Don’t Let Fear Stop You From Chasing Your Dreams
A story of Fitroh Izatul Malkiyah, Bangkit 2023 Batch 2 Graduate from Informatics, Universitas Amikom Purwokerto It’s not a given that everyone can easily continue their studies at university. Fitroh Izatul Malkiyah (23), a young woman from Kabupaten Tegal, once faced difficulties pursuing higher education. Her family’s financial instability made it challenging for Fitroh—that’s what she’s called—to continue her education. “I don't want you to get your hopes up too much about going to college. I might not be able to afford it all the way through," Fitroh’s mom once said. However, Fitroh’s remained optimistic about going to college. She refused to let her family’s financial difficulties hinder her from her goals. After remaining hopeful, her perseverance paid off when she was granted a government scholarship. Finally, Fitroh’s college life began, and so did her Bangkit journey. What was the process that led Fitroh to become a successful tech talent? Let’s dive deeper into her i