
Showing posts from February, 2022

When Geoscience Meets Machine Learning

A Story of Alin Sharina Dwi Yampy, Bangkit 2022 Student from Universitas Cendrawasih “Over the last decade, there has been considerable progress in developing ML-based methodologies for many Earth Science applications.” (David J. Lary, Physics Professor at the University of Texas at Dallas, 2010) Applying ML to one of the earth sciences―Geoscience―is the dream of Papua-born Alin Sharina Dwi Yampy (22). This Geophysics Student at Universitas Cendrawasih hopes that one day, her ML skill can advance the sustainable natural resources management of her homeland, Papua. Maintain Connection with Fellow Female Geoscience Students and Learn Machine Learning Alin―what she’s called―is taking part in the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG), a global non-profit organization with a mission of connecting the world of applied geophysics based in Houston, USA. She plays a vital role in SEG’s female student community in Indonesia, namely SEG Women’s Network Indonesia (SEGWN Indonesia). In SEGWN I

Keterbatasan Bukan Batasan

Cerita Adhi Setiawan, Lulusan Difabel Bangkit 2021 “Tingkat Partisipasi Angkatan Kerja (TPAK) penyandang disabilitas hanya 44 persen, lebih rendah dari TPAK nasional yang sebesar 69 persen.” (Ida Fauziyah, Menteri Ketenagakerjaan Republik Indonesia, 2021) Meski data yang disuguhkan di atas menunjukkan rendahnya angka partisipasi angkatan kerja penyandang disabilitas, Adhi Setiawan (23) memilih untuk membuat perubahan kecil dengan menjadi seorang penyandang disabilitas yang partisipatif. Keterbatasan yang Adhi miliki sebagai seseorang yang banyak melakukan aktivitas dari atas kursi roda tidak dipandangnya sebagai hambatan. Malah Adhi berhasil lulus dari Bangkit dan menjadi seorang certified TensorFlow Developer. Tumbuh dengan Rasa Kurang Percaya Diri Jika harus menggambarkan sosok dirinya yang dulu, Adhi mengaku bahwa ia adalah seseorang yang kurang percaya diri, tidak mau tampil, dan tidak berani untuk mengobrol dengan orang lain. Rendahnya kepercayaan diri Adhi dilatarbelakangi oleh

Expanding the Horizon

A story of Bangkit 2021 graduate with distinction from a non-IT major Almost 4 of 10 Bangkit 2021 cohorts came from non-IT programs. Dzakiyyah Rosyadi (22), a Management Student from Universitas Brawijaya, was one of them and later achieved “graduate with distinction” at the end of Bangkit. Wow, how’s the story? It all started with her desire to broaden her learning scope, and she managed to expand her horizon. Encouraged by a K-Drama At that time, Kia―as she was called―had just resigned from the student executive council in her faculty. Since Kia had more free time, she thought about seeking an opportunity to learn something new. At the same time, Kia also finished watching one of her favorite Korean dramas, “Start-Up.” via My Drama List . Starring Nam Joo-hyuk, Bae Suzy, and Kim Seon-ho, this drama presents the story of young people who want to build a startup from scratch. The exciting storyline of the Start-Up inspired Kia to expand the scope of learning to the realm of IT. For tha

Bangkit: Quest dalam Game yang Harus Ditaklukan

Cerita Bintang Fathur Rahman, Game Designer Lulusan Bangkit 2021 Indonesia memiliki pendapatan tertinggi di Asia Tenggara dari mobile gaming sebesar US$ 1,3 Miliar atau Rp 18 Triliun pada tahun 2020. (Statista, 2020) Bintang Fathur Rahman (22) juga melihat prospek yang menjanjikan di dunia gaming setelah ambil bagian dalam sebuah perusahaan pengembangan game besar asal Indonesia. Namun passion Bintang terhadap game sudah ada jauh sebelum Indonesia mencetak prestasi pendapatan gaming tersebut. Mimpi Bintang agar suatu hari bisa menjadi seorang game programmer sudah ada sejak seragam sekolahnya masih berwarna putih-biru. Bintang yang Bersinar di Dunia Game Kecintaan Bintang terhadap game sudah ada sejak kecil, tetapi mimpinya untuk menjadi seorang game programmer baru menyala saat ia duduk di bangku SMP. Sadar bahwa sistem dan program dalam game cukup sulit untuk dipelajari olehnya yang baru masuk ke masa remaja, Bintang memilih untuk vakum terlebih dahulu sampai SMA. Ketika m

To Make Lemonade out of Lemons

A story of Bangkit 2021 Graduate turning the sourness of his life into a desirable achievement Some children are born lucky to be raised in affluent families, but the rest are more fortunate because they were given the strong heart and bones to work on their own. Bagus Satya Mas (22) is one of the many luckier ones. Since he was very young, the so-called "responsibility" had been his best friend. As the only role model for his two younger siblings, Bagus is a very strong-willed big brother. The Backbone of the Family Such a great responsibility has rested on Bagus' shoulders since he was a little. He is the eldest with two younger siblings who live only with his grandparents. As the grandson of retired civil servants―both the grandfather and grandmother, Bagus and his younger siblings have a short life. Giving in a lot and putting his younger siblings first is something Bagus has been doing since he was a kid. For Bagus, his younger siblings’ happiness is above everything

An Ignited Courage

A story of Bangkit 2021 graduate who kick-started her international career 55 percent of Indonesians are interested in working remotely for foreign companies. (JobStreet, Boston Consulting Group and The Network, 2021) Like almost half of the Indonesians mentioned above, Anindya Kusumaningrum Ambarwati Prasetyo (22) has the same interest in kick-starting her career internationally. She had to wait nearly five (5) years to crack it. Her self-doubt prevented her from pursuing her dream as a part of the United Nations team. But then, Bangkit ignited her courage, and she’s ready to show her best performance at the United Nations Environment Programme as Website Manager remotely. Withdraw from an International Program Anindya is an Informatics Student at UPN “Veteran” Jawa Timur. People know her as an agile student who takes part in many organizations. She has many activities on campus because of her position as Minister of Community Service at the UPN Student Executive Board. Also known as

Mercusuar untuk Talenta Digital Muda

Cerita Vincent Tatan, Machine Learning Instructor untuk Bangkit 2021 Teknologi Indonesia telah mengalami kemajuan pesat dan Vincent Tatan (27) melihat hal itu. Ia menyadarinya saat salah satu muridnya di Bangkit melemparkan pertanyaan seputar Siamese network di Machine Learning, sebuah pertanyaan yang bersifat sangat teknis untuk bisa diajukan oleh seorang mahasiswa. Di situ, sang ahli Machine Learning memahami bahwa dunia teknologi informasi tanah air telah berkembang. Terlebih, ia menjadi saksi langsung semangat belajar para calon talenta digital muda di Bangkit yang begitu tinggi. Layaknya Berbagi pada Diri Sendiri Sejak 2019, Vincent―begitu ia dipanggil―menjadi bagian dari Google dengan perannya sebagai Machine Learning Engineer/Analyst. Ia yang saat ini sudah menempati posisi Senior, memiliki tanggung jawab untuk melindungi pengguna Google Chrome, Gmail, serta Android agar tidak masuk ke dalam sembarangan website. Keberadaan situs bodong ini dapat mengancam keamanan informasi raha

Naratik: AI-based Innovation to Preserve Indonesian Cultural Heritage

A story from Farrel Athaillah Putra, Bangkit 2021 Graduate “ Batik export value declines 31.3% in 2020. ” (Ministry of Industry, 2021) The data presented by the Ministry of Industry above shows that the batik industry in Indonesia is not doing well. This caught Farrel Athaillah Putra (22) and his friends’ attention who are both involved in Bangkit 2021 capstone project. Farrel is leading his team to contribute to Indonesia through their technical skills by creating an application that can strengthen the ecosystem of the batik industry in Indonesia, called Naratik. Machine Learning in Farrel’s Eyes: A Combination of Business, Research and Technology Farrel is a Computer Science student from Universitas Dian Nuswantoro with lots of activities. When he was asked about his current bustle, he said that he’s busy completing his bachelor thesis while managing Naratik with his team. “We are carrying out business cooperation with batik home industries and planning to hold an auction of ancient