“Life hardships pave my way to getting IDR 140 million incubation funds”

A Story of Nuryadin Abutani, Bangkit 2022 Graduate from Informatics Engineering, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Bandung “A good half of the art of living is resilience.” (Alain de Botton, British Philosopher) The word “resilience” is something that might sound familiar to Nuryadin Abutani (21), an Informatics Engineering Student at Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Bandung. However, the difficulties in his life pushed him to be a tough person or a resilient one, to be exact. How come? It is because an exceptional single mother raised Nuryadin and his six siblings. Even though life gave him a lemon, Nuryadin tried to make lemonade by not giving up on his dream. His limitations are not a hindrance for him in giving his best. Nuryadin is always willing to do anything for his family’s better future. He didn’t hesitate to stay in a chicken coop to study comfortably in Bangkit. So, what did Nuryadin get after struggling twice as hard in this program? Raised by a Super Woman Living in Desa Padasuka, Kabupat...