
An Online Taxi Bike Driver Then, A Full-Stack Developer Now

A Story of Muhammad Nasa’i Kairupan, Bangkit 2023 Batch 1 Graduate from Informatics, Institut Teknologi Kalimantan They say that the most significant achievements are born from the greatest struggles, and Muhammad Nasa’i Kairupan (22) understands this. Born and raised in Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur, Sa’i—his nickname—faced significant hardships that shaped his life. During his high school years, he lost his father, the family’s primary breadwinner. Shortly after, his mother was laid off, plunging the family into financial distress. Despite these overwhelming obstacles, Sa’i refused to succumb to despair. Instead, he channeled his energies into a passion that intrigued him: technology. Recognizing the potential of the tech industry to change his life, he immersed himself in learning tech every day. This commitment led him to Bangkit, a transformative program designed by Google to equip aspiring tech enthusiasts with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in the digital world. After

Dicoding: Incorporating AI to Maximize Bangkit Students’ Learning Experiences

Nurturing future tech talents since 2020, Bangkit has trained over 20,000 participants with industry-relevant skills: Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, and Mobile Development (Android). This career readiness program is initiated by Google, supported by GoTo, Tokopedia, and Traveloka, and under the auspices of the Kampus Merdeka program by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (MoECRT). Google appointed Dicoding to be responsible for Bangkit program management and curriculum development, ensuring equitable distribution of tech education across Indonesia. It resonates with Dicoding’s vision: to be a leading tech education platform that promotes broader access to digital literacy for all. In 2024, with Google Indonesia, Dicoding incorporated Artificial Intelligence (AI) into the Bangkit curriculum. Google stated on its Google AI site that it wants to make AI helpful for everyone and is committed to improving the lives of as many people as possible. Knowing that AI

SkinCheck.AI’s Mission for Healthier-Looking Skin in Indonesia

A Story of SkinCheck.AI, One of the Top 20 Product-Based Capstone Projects in Bangkit 2023 Batch 1 “According to JakPat in the 2021 Beauty Trends Survey, ‘Acne-free skin is considered the ideal skin condition.’ 81% of respondents consider this to be the ideal skin condition. Otherwise, only 41% of respondents consider white skin to be the ideal skin.” — ( Katadata, 2022 ) The same survey from JakPat shows that 8 out of 10 women agree that skincare products are more important than makeup. Additionally, 8 out of 10 respondents, both women and men, believe that taking care of their face is a form of investment in skin health. In recent years, there has been a growing trend among Indonesians to prioritize their appearance, leading to increased efforts in skincare routines. However, this skincare usage surge often does not match knowledge about its potential risks. Moreover, many people still believe in dermatological myths. Fortunately, a group of young people from Bangkit made a breakthro

Risma’s Tech Journey from Indonesia-Malaysia Border

A Story of Muhammad Risma, Bangkit 2023 Batch 1 Graduate from Information Technology, President University “According to Education and Culture Ministry (Kemendikbud) data, 51% of early education to middle school students living in the outermost, border and disadvantaged (3T) areas do not have a reliable internet connection.” — Jakarta Post (2020) According to the same data, only 27,8% of students in the 3T (remote and underdeveloped) region said they had access to a laptop or computer. Still, the devices could have been more reliable. Muhammad Risma (21), a young boy from the 3T region, also felt this. Hailing from Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu, a remote district in Kalimantan Barat bordering Malaysia, Risma grew up amidst the limitations of a 3T region. Yet, despite the challenges, he nurtured a deep fascination for tech, a passion that would shape his future. In 2023, he joined Bangkit to hone his skills and provided Risma with the tools and mentorship he needed to transform his ideas into r

A Personal Reflection on What Makes Mentoring Great

A Story about Jonathan Darwin, Senior Software Engineer – Android at Tokopedia, Bangkit Android Instructor “A mentor is someone who sees more talent and ability within you, than you see in yourself, and helps bring it out of you.” — Bob Proctor Jonathan Darwin (25), a seasoned Software Engineer at Tokopedia, embodies the spirit of knowledge sharing and community engagement. Amidst his demanding work schedule, he dedicates time to teaching in Bangkit, a program designed to help students kickstart a career by providing industry-relevant tech competencies and developing critical soft skills. So, what are Jo’s—that’s what he’s called—motivations and insights for being an instructor in Bangkit? Let’s dive into his story! Bangkit: A Place to Give Back Jo’s current role as a Senior Software Engineer at Tokopedia proves his tech expertise. However, his true calling lies in teaching, where he found his niche as an Android Instructor for Bangkit, a program led by Google and supported by industry

Expanding Your Comfort Zone by Stepping Outside It

A Story of Rigel Vibi Ramadhan, Bangkit 2022 Graduate from Information Technology, Universitas Brawijaya Imagine a world where shyness holds you back from your potential. Rigel Vibi Ramadhan (22), a young man from Probolinggo, Jawa Timur, once found himself trapped in this condition. However, college became his chance to shed his introverted persona. There, Rigel joined the Raion Community, forcing himself to engage in conversations and actively seeking opportunities to connect with his seniors, who previously became Bangkit students. Bangkit is a life-changing program that became a catalyst for Rigel’s growth. Not only about coding, Rigel also unlocked his potential by fostering leadership qualities. However, Rigel's story didn't end with a successful graduation from Bangkit. It’s about the ripple effect he created. He transitioned from a participant to a mentor, sharing his knowledge and experiences with others. Now, he works at Astra International as an Android Developer. So

Empowering the Next Generation with a Growth Mindset

A Story about Chatrin Pandrya, Localization Lead for Global E-commerce at TikTok, Bangkit Soft Skills Instructor Albert Einstein once said, “It’s the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.” This also resonates with Chatrin Pandrya. At pivotal points in her journeys, Chatrin chose a path connected with her desire to contribute to the educational field. Her previous job at Google led her to Bangkit, a program dedicated to cultivating Indonesia’s tech talent. Her expertise in soft skills like “Growth Mindset” and “Adaptability & Resilience” wasn’t just valuable; it was transformative. Her engaging nature and ability to connect with students propelled her to become the program’s best-rated instructor in 2023. Chatrin’s story proves the power of passion and purpose, where she became an agent of change to shape future tech talent in Indonesia. “Finding a Work-Life Rhythm Can Be Tricky, But It’s Doable!” Chatrin was the Language Manager for Bahasa I