
Showing posts from December, 2022

“Strike your weakest point to turn your dream into a reality”

A Story of Andi Abdul Salam Sabil, Bangkit 2022 Graduate from Informatics, Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya “The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.” (Oprah Winfrey, American Talk Show Host) Becoming a tech talent wasn’t just the dream of Andi Abdul Salam Sabil (22). Specifically, Salam’s interest in tinkering with networks made him wish to be a DevOps Engineer. To turn his goals into reality, Salam vigorously equipped himself with the required tech competency since he was in high school. Then, he went further by participating in Bangkit. As a result, Salam’s persistence in living the life of his dreams led him to accomplish his goals. The Dream of Becoming a DevOps Engineer that Always Belonged to Salam Since he was a teenager, Salam, who resided in Makassar, had always aspired to launch a career in DevOps. Therefore, he decided to attend a vocational school, majoring in Computer Network Engineering. After graduating, to pursue his dream, Salam mig

“Get yourself ready before contributing to industry”

A Story of Muhammad Rifqi Al Furqon, Bangkit 2022 Graduate from Informatics Engineering, Universitas Gunadarma “The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.” Horace Jackson Brown, Jr., American Author Becoming a digital talent is the dream of Muhammad Rifqi Al Furqon (21), a student at Universitas Gunadarma, majoring in Informatics Engineering. He did his best to be a ready-to-work tech talent to achieve his goal. Then, Bangkit turned out to be one of Rifqi’s stepstones toward his dream of kickstarting a career in the industry. In Bangkit 2022, Rifqi registered for the Machine Learning path. He was eager to learn in this program because he wanted to be a Data Engineer after graduating. So, after taking 900 hours of journey in Bangkit, Rifqi successfully reaped many from this program. When Bangkit Brought Forth a Bunch of “Cool Seniors” on Campus On campus, Rifqi is a laboratory assistant who actively uses LinkedIn. For Rifqi, this social media plays a significant role in

Overlearning to Go Beyond the Limits

A Story of Bagja 9102 Kurniawan, Bangkit 2022 Graduate from Informatics Engineering, Universitas Telkom “The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away from you.” B. B. King, American Singer Most of us think it’s “the empty container” that needs to be filled with water. When we see the container full, we will stop filling it so the water won’t overflow. Without realizing it, we tend to perceive our minds that way. We’re excited to learn when we feel we don’t know something. However, our learning process stops once we believe our knowledge is sufficient. That principle doesn’t apply to Bagja 9102 Kurniawan (20). Bagja is a Bangkit 2022 Graduate who has been introduced to computers since kindergarten. Because computers were interesting to explore, Bagja aspired to be a tech talent. So he brought that dream to college and decided to study Informatics Engineering at Universitas Telkom. Relentlessly learning about tech isn’t dull for Bagja because, in his opinion, overle

Exploring Machine Learning for Disaster Monitoring

A Story of Muhammad Faisal Anshory, Bangkit 2022 Graduate from Geodesy & Geomatics Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung “For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them.” Aristotle If Muhammad Faisal Anshory (22) had been afraid to try new things, maybe he would never be where he is now. Luckily, he was a student who dared to have new experiences. “Learning by doing” is a concept he always applies whenever he drills. Faisal’s learning perseverance led him to an internship opportunity at an intergovernmental coordinating center in South-East Asia. There, he merges his knowledge of geodesy and geomatics with data science. How come? Here is his story! Becoming a Tech Talent was Never in Faisal’s Plan Before Faisal was a Geodesy and Geomatics Student at Institut Teknologi Bandung. Geoscience and things related to natural disasters were subjects that Faisal studied on campus. Therefore, becoming a tech talent has never been in Faisal’s plan. However, the