
Budgeting Made Easy with Catatmak

The Story of Catatmak, a Bangkit 2023 Batch 2 Incubation Team Starting their journey from the Bangkit 2023 Batch 2 capstone project, Catatmak is making waves as a groundbreaking financial recording application from Banyumas, Central Java. This innovative platform is the brainchild of three Bangkit alums: Rayhan Rafiud Darojat (CEO), Muhammad Rifki (CTO), and Ni Putu Suci Paramita (Cloud Engineer). From a final project that significantly impacted their Bangkit graduation requirements, Catatmak has grown into a promising startup that redefines personal and business finance management. Catatmak Was Born From Rayhan’s Mother’s Nagging Rayhan, a graduate of STMIK Widya Utama, found inspiration for Catatmak in his struggles with managing money. Reflecting on his high school years, Rayhan often ran out of allowance too quickly, much to his mother's frustration, whom he lovingly calls “emak.” Despite her constant reminders, Rayhan struggled to adopt proper financial habits. This challenge ...

“There Is No Limit to What You Can Achieve”

A Story of Saepulloh, Bangkit 2023 Batch 2 Graduate from Computer Engineering, Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Payakumbuh Everyone has dreams, but the path to success is rarely straightforward. Saepulloh (24) understands this well. Since he dreamed about becoming a tech talent, Saif—that’s what he’s called—knew that his path would be filled with ups and downs. The economic difficulty was his reason. However, Saif refused to give up. He knew his path to his dream would be challenging, but it was worth fighting for. Therefore, despite his limited resources, Saif was determined to succeed in Bangkit. Finally, he graduated and kicked off his career as an intern. Are you curious about Saif’s journey in Bangkit? Let’s read his full story! Living with His Farmer Elder Siblings Saif was raised in Bukittinggi, West Sumatera, the youngest of three. His father passed away when he was nine years old, leaving his mother to be the family’s breadwinner by selling fritters (gorengan). However, since child...

Send the Song: A Side Project That Went Viral All the Way to the Philippines

A Story of Muhammad Razan Fawwaz, Bangkit 2023 Batch 1 Graduate from Informatics, Universitas Syiah Kuala That Saturday afternoon, the clouds hung heavy, just as gloomy as Muhammad Razan Fawwaz (22) felt. He had just parted ways with someone dear to him and struggled to cope with the loss. Determined to express his feelings, Razan yearned to convey his final thoughts in a heartfelt message attached to a song. To give voice to his emotions, Razan started coding a website called “Send the Song.” This platform would allow him to share song links and personalized messages with specific individuals. Instead of sending the link to the intended recipient, Razan changed his mind. He decided to publish Send the Song and share it on TikTok. Within hours, “Send the Song” went viral, becoming a platform for people to share their feelings through songs and messages. Surprisingly, it even gained popularity among users from the Philippines. Razan never expected his simple project to attract so many p...

Starting Early Will Lead to Early Success

A Story of I Wayan Adi Sudirtayasa, Bangkit 2023 Batch 1 Graduate from Informatics Engineering, Universitas Primakara Getting a head start can help us gain practical experience and prepare for future career advancement. I Wayan Adi Sudirtayasa (22) thoroughly understands this matter. Aspiring to be a digital talent, Adi—that’s what he’s called—recognized the highly competitive landscape of tech and knew that he must be well-prepared to stand out from the crowd. Being prospective about his tech career, Adi proactively sought opportunities, including participating in Bangkit 2023 Batch 1, to gain insights into the industry’s expectations of recent graduates. Now, Adhi is a Web Engineer at a startup. How was Adi’s journey before becoming a full-time tech talent? Let’s dive deep into his story! Adi’s Work Experience Began in High School Adi was born and raised in Denpasar, Bali. His parents, who worked as a sports store clerk and factory cleaner, instilled a strong sense of responsibility ...

Alumnus With International Careers Who Are Keen to Give Back to Bangkit

A story of Dery Sudrajat, Bangkit 2021 Distinction Graduate from Software Engineering, Telkom University Purwokerto, and Bangkit 2024 Batch 1 Instructor Many aspire to work in an international company. However, achieving this goal requires significant effort. Dery Sudrajat (25) demonstrated that numerous steps are involved in securing a position at a multinational company like the International Bank of Korea. Dery—that’s what he’s called—has prepared for his promising future since a very young age. In high school, he started commuting to Jakarta from Cirebon to obtain a better learning ecosystem. He was motivated by the lack of a supportive programmer ecosystem in Cirebon. He also saw a good benchmark of the Android Developer ecosystem in Jakarta through Google Developer Group (GDG) Jakarta. Besides getting involved in the developer community, Dery shaped his readiness by joining Bangkit. As a result, he was ready to embark on his international career as an Android Engineer at the Indu...

My Interest in Robotics Led to a Career in AI Engineering

A Story of Novebri Tito Ramadhani, Bangkit 2023 Batch 2 Graduate from Mechatronic Engineering, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Only a few people can succeed in a field they have been passionate about since childhood. Novebri Tito Ramadhani (22) is one of them. His early interest in robotics has led him to a career in a closely related field. Tito—that’s what he’s called—has been enthusiastic about robotics since middle school. His passion for robotics grew more robust and led him to study in Bangkit. His Bangkit’s learning experience earned him many, from being ready to compete in robotics competitions to receiving a full-time AI-related job offer from a state-owned enterprise. Curious about Tito’s journey? Let’s check out the full story below! Tito’s Teenage Years Were Characterized by a Love of Robotics In 2002, Tito was born into a family that prioritized education. His parents instilled in him the belief that no matter how knowledgeable someone is, continuous learning is essential fo...

Bangkit’s Learning Environment Motivated Me to Achieve More

A Story of I Komang Pranadita Kusuma Jaya, Bangkit 2022 Graduate from Information System, Universitas Brawijaya Many things can drive us to push our learning limits, but for I Komang Pranadita Kusuma Jaya (23), Bangkit's learning environment provides unmatched encouragement for him to thrive. Far before achieving many after Bangkit, Prana—that’s what he’s called—was just a young man who frequently observed his father use AutoCAD at work. Since that moment, Prana’s curiosity has grown stronger, leading him to study Information Systems at university, join Bangkit, and land a job in a multinational tech company from the United States. How has Prana transformed himself into someone keen to achieve more? Let’s read his story! Prepared for a Promising Career Since College Prana was born and raised in Denpasar as the youngest of three. Born to a father who worked as a contractor, he spent time seeing his father tinkering with AutoCAD most of the time. Little Prana thought that it would be...