Deep Dive into IT Infrastructure Role through Cloud Computing in Bangkit

What do you think about generalists and specialists? Which one suits you best for the career path ahead? For Elsa Shafira Ramadhani (23), a girl from Bogor, comprehensive understanding starts from common things. For example, her love for technology comes from her favorite school subjects: Mathematics and Physics.

Elsa states that the applied sciences of those two could engage her more in passion as she can escalate subject concentration. Not to mention that her major in Electrical Engineering led her to dive deep into IT Infrastructure roles through Cloud Computing in Bangkit.

Currently, she is an Associate System Engineer at DELL Technologies. How did her story begin, from electrical engineering to this role? Read on to discover more!

Science Concentration in University Introduced Elsa to Cloud Computing

Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Banten, provides three concentrations in Electrical Engineering lectures. These options encouraged Elsa to discover her fondness for taking the low current regarding computer hardware.

Therefore, this one introduced Elsa to Cloud Computing, which discusses servers and storage. The materials maintained her eagerness for learning, and she managed to accomplish lectures on time with a GPA of 3.80.

The girl who used to spend her leisure time watching films graduated with nothing but additional knowledge from outside campus. In the sixth semester, she joined Bangkit by taking the Cloud Computing learning path. Of the three options, she noticed that this one suited her best to develop herself even better in technology.

"My family has different interests from each other. When they freed me up to fight for what I loved, I felt optimistic about my career journey," Elsa said.

Bangkit Encouraged Elsa to Break Her Limits

Elsa's participation in Bangkit runs simultaneously with lectures. She said this is quite difficult to live with, especially when there is a loss of motivation. Nevertheless, it didn't significantly lessen her performance until the program's end since she successfully graduated with distinction.

"When I procrastinate on work, I feel how stressful it is. No wonder I burst into tears," Elsa revealed, recalling how demotivation led to a truly unpleasant situation.

How does Elsa get up from adversity? The first thing she did was to arrange a schedule based on time management, the soft skills that she had learned at Bangkit. For everything to be done well, she improved her self-discipline much better than before. Chit-chatting with mates in this program, especially those who both take Cloud Computing, has a significant impact.

Elsa's spirit increased when running the Capstone Project; moreover, she got team members who were almost all domiciled in Jabodetabek. They also held a meet-up agenda to discuss what they were fighting for together. The result?

"My team created DigitalPolice through an anomaly detection approach using CCTV to gather data. My responsibilities here are creating VMs and cameras for additional output. Let alone it's aligned with the thing I learned as an Electrical Engineer. Judges rewarded this collaboration as a top 50 project," explained Elsa with a bright smile.

How was Elsa's Journey after Graduating from Bangkit?

"What's one change in your life for which you're so grateful for your career development?" Elsa nodded, understanding that she had to go through a journey to answer it.

Elsa shared that communication skills using English were the first development that led her to unexpected experiences. Why so?

It all started with professional communication and soft skills in Bangkit, delivered by Ms. Cindy. At that time, Elsa distinguished that her ability to speak English wasn't that good. Nonetheless, after completing this class, there was a significant change she could identify. Her increased confidence led her to the ability to express her thoughts in a foreign language.
“After two months of applying as an Associate System Engineer at DELL Technologies, I received an HR call from Malaysia. We communicate in English. After passing this stage, I was scheduled to conduct interviews thrice via Zoom meetings. I wondered what would happen if I hadn’t joined Bangkit.”
Besides soft skills, Elsa demonstrated that the technical understanding she gained from Bangkit, such as the ins and outs of hardware and all about Cloud Computing, helped her go through all the recruitment processes at DELL Technologies. Another thing that is similarly essential is the general knowledge about technology, such as how it will develop in the future.

"On the other hand, the experience of taking Cloud Computing in Bangkit that I listed in the CV drew the interviewer's curiosity. I explained how the learning process could increase my soft and hard skills," Elsa told us.

How Does Elsa Live Her Days as an Associate System Engineer at DELL Technologies?

As an Associate System Engineer, Elsa is responsible for the data center and helps prospective customers find products that suit their needs. "Most people know that DELL Technologies is a laptop manufacturer, but we also provide server and storage services," Elsa explained.

In this role, a specification called Presales Consultant proposes solutions to customers on an individual and corporate scale. However, for larger purposes, Elsa needs to make a presentation to the intended party as a supplier after going through a contract agreement.
“The challenge of my job is like someone who works in technology that I need to follow every development to create the best product. In developing this mindset, I was trained when I joined Bangkit due to the reliable speakers coming from the industry. Furthermore, I also get an idea of how to become a professional with a competitive sense.”
As someone who contributes to extending global technology, Elsa wants to contribute best to developing IT Infrastructure in Indonesia. "For now, this is my career plan. I may become a specialist once I deep-dive into this role."

What role does Bangkit play in her current career development? Elsa says two key things are the English training that helps her communicate with foreign colleagues at DELL Technologies and the understanding of Cloud Computing, especially GCP, which is so enticing. As a result, she highly recommends eligible students to participate in this training program.

"Continue to be grateful, as whatever you learn will impact your development. Don't forget to thank yourself after not stopping learning until now." Elsa closed the interview session.

More stories about Bangkit Alum and Cohort:
  1. Kenrico Valens - Building Career Readiness from Early On
  2. Manfred Michael - Self-Belief: A Fundamental to Keep Pushing Amidst Obstacles
  3. Firman Mardiyanto - "The more you practice, the better you will be"


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