Staying Motivated by Learning New Things

Eastwood (2012) defines boredom as an unfulfilled desire to do enticing activities. Many have been in this state since the pandemic impacted various sectors, including education. Therefore, online learning came as a solution to suppress the severity. Syahi Dandy Nasgi Nasution (23) is one of many Indonesian students that needed to attend distance lectures in his third semester.

That situation dropped Dandy's motivation dramatically. Online learning tends to lessen his productivity, and he feared it would affect his self-development. Nonetheless, he found hope when he joined Bangkit and got a job before graduating college.

How was Dandy's whole story about being able to work at Accenture as an Application Development Analysis without having to apply? Let's dive in!

When Bangkit Brought Dandy's Motivation Back

Dandy enjoys playing chess, games, and listening to music. However, one of these three determined his steady career path.

Games' tech aspect took his attention more than the entertainment side—his curiosity about how the complex features were made led him to dive deeper into computer science. Therefore, with great eagerness, he pursued higher education at Universitas Mikroskil, majoring in Computer Science.

On the other hand, there was a period where he experienced demotivation in his early college life. He remembered that this condition persisted until the fifth semester, and he didn't know how to cope.

Then, an unexpected thing happened. The fifth semester was the first time the campus held a major concentration poll. At that time, he chose to study Cloud Computing, but the votes went to Cryptography. Although he has been unable to learn the new things he has been looking forward to, he tried to evoke motivation through renewal.

Cryptography and Cloud Computing are two different things. Anyhow, there is a wedge about securing encrypted data using certain algorithms. He was immensely enjoying his learning process, although later, he discovered that his motivation had not been put back well.
“My college routine was considerably monotonous where I was doing assignments around web and mobile application development. Once I finished it, I always asked, is that enough to train me into a reliable digital talent?” revealed Dandy.
Moreover, he admitted that his ability to manage time was not very good. How could he seek additional knowledge from sources out there?

After having a conversation with his friend, he agreed that joining Bangkit turned out to be a way out. In accordance with his desire to learn Cloud Computing, he took this learning path. He then realized one thing, "Learning new things intensively could maintain my motivation well. Let alone this program taught me how to manage time, so I didn't waste a lot of things in a day."

Challenged Himself with Bangkit to Grow Up

Dandy discovered that the opportunity to participate in Bangkit came with thesis writing. Therefore, he considered it his worst time since he needed to bustle both in Bangkit and writing his academic paper. As a result, he needed to prepare everything to step into a new phase that he referred to as the "fight for my future."

Participating in Bangkit and working on the thesis certainly triggered fear and anxiety in Dandy. He knew implementing time management in this learning program was handy, but could he do so?

"I need to be better. I know I could do more!" Dandy repeatedly told this to himself before registering. The result?

Dandy had no regrets when he spent his days staying up late. He added that although these activities required a lot of concentration, his motivation remained stable. "Do whatever you can, as little progress would get you to the finish line," Dandy stated.

Moreover, it turned out that the learning model in Bangkit was what he had been looking for. He demonstrated that lectures provided the material he needed, but such an experience needed to be improved. "I could find something that engages and encourages curiosity in this one," concluded Dandy.

One of the moments that thrilled Dandy was during the capstone project. Having roles as Project Lead and Cloud Architect, he felt beyond challenged by carrying two obligations simultaneously. Again, he had no shame in perseverance. He admitted that what he had gone through had profoundly impacted his hard and soft skills development.

Embarking Career Readiness through Bangkit

What is your career plan? Dandy answered this question firmly, "I would like to present the best work performance to get promoted while continuing to cultivate a dream of becoming a game developer."

Nevertheless, he realized that it would take a lot of effort. As a fresh graduate working for the first time, he needed to complete a series of training first provided by Accenture.
“Working alongside the seniors pushed me to follow their standards. Luckily, the knowledge from Bangkit trained me to think critically, which was crucial for a fresh graduate. It also helped me get a job before graduating from college.”
While waiting for the graduation period, Dandy received a message on LinkedIn from Accenture human resources, who came from the Philippines to follow the recruitment process―according to him. Then, he had a good start as a potential employee.

"The certificates from Bangkit that I uploaded made a significant impact!" Dandy exclaimed.
“In Bangkit, we were taught how to create a LinkedIn profile that attracts recruiters. A professional summary where we pitch ourselves during the interview was totally applicable through the recruitment process."
Currently, Dandy assumes the role of Application Development Analyst. He disclosed that it was his first time using this framework as he focused on web and mobile development in college. Adapting is pivotal, so the obstacles he found in working are manageable.

In the last interview session that day, Dandy gave a message to the Bangkit 2023 Cohort. He humbly said, "Learn anything since you would never know that the knowledge you gain could support your future."


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