Embracing Growth with an Open Mind and Heart

A Story of Muhammad Dafa Athaullah, Bangkit 2022 Graduate from Computer Science, Institut Pertanian Bogor

Amidst the whirlwind of opportunities and challenges, Muhammad Dafa Athaullah (22) stands as an embodiment of resilience and determination in the ever-evolving landscape of technology. Born into a family of medical professionals, Dafa’s journey into tech was a profoundly fulfilling adventure fueled by his unwavering passion and relentless pursuit of knowledge.

From playing games to troubleshooting technical glitches, Dafa’s innate curiosity and hands-on approach laid the foundation for his budding love affair with technology. Yet, his participation in Bangkit set him on a path of discovery and growth.

Dafa’s journey demonstrated the transformative power of seizing opportunities and embracing challenges head-on. Join us as we delve deeper into his remarkable journey—proof of the indomitable spirit of those who dare to dream and defy the odds.

Expected to Be a Doctor, Yet Aspired to Be a Tech Expert

Born and growing up in Purwokerto, Dafa was surrounded by a family of medical professionals. His father is a general practitioner, and his mother is a housewife. Just like his father, his brother and sister-in-law are also doctors. As the youngest of two, Dafa was expected to follow in his family’s footsteps and pursue a medical career.

From a young age, Dafa knew that his true passion lay elsewhere. Unlike his sibling, Dafa found his passion in computers. Despite the subtle hints from his family about joining the medical field, Dafa remained resolute in his desire to carve out his path in the world of technology.
“I used to like playing computer games since elementary school. Sometimes, there would be, ‘Hey, why isn’t this turning on?’. I tried to disassemble it myself and then run the command on Google to fix the problem.”
Upon graduating from high school, Dafa boldly decided to pursue a degree in Computer Science at Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB). It was a decision that raised eyebrows within his family, who had hoped to see him follow in their footsteps and become a doctor. However, Dafa remained undeterred.

As he embarked on IPB, Dafa immersed himself in his studies, eager to learn everything he could about computer science and technology. Then, his journey into the world of tech didn’t end there.

When Dafa Sharpened His Passion in Bangkit

During his sixth semester at IPB University, Dafa stumbled upon Bangkit—a program renowned for its comprehensive tech curriculum and industry connections. Introduced by senior classmates who had participated in Bangkit, Dafa was intrigued by the opportunity to enhance his skills and knowledge in Cloud Computing further through this program.

With his peers’ support and his lecturers’ endorsement, Dafa decided to take the plunge, apply for Bangkit 2022, and pick the Cloud Computing path.
“Bangkit was a well-known program on my campus, especially in my department. My friend invited me to apply, and many classmates did too.”
Despite stiff competition from other applicants, Dafa’s passion and determination shone through, and he was accepted into the program.

Little did he know this decision would begin a transformative journey. Through Bangkit, Dafa’s passion for technology was nurtured, and his potential as a tech professional was unlocked.

Excelled Both in Hard and Soft Skills

For Dafa, the journey through Bangkit was challenging. As a participant in the Cloud Computing learning path, Dafa encountered numerous challenges that tested his resilience and determination.
“One of the greatest challenges I faced was the lack of practical experience utilizing Google Cloud on campus. This gap between theory and practice became a significant obstacle, making me take the initiative and engage in self-learning.”
Furthermore, the capstone project presented its own set of challenges for Dafa. Collaborating with team members whom he had never met in a fully online environment tested his communication and collaboration skills.
“Navigating the complexities of teamwork in a virtual setting, especially when coordinating tasks and ensuring effective communication, forced me to adapt and evolve.”
Despite these challenges, Dafa found immense value in his experience with Bangkit. Through these courses, Dafa learned how to deploy cloud services, manage databases, and implement load balancing—an experience he believes he would not have had access to otherwise.

Moreover, the certifications offered through Bangkit, mainly the Google Cloud certifications, provided Dafa with tangible proof of his skills and expertise in cloud computing.
“In a competitive job market where certifications hold a significant role, I recognized the importance of these credentials in setting myself apart as a qualified candidate.”

Life After Bangkit at Tokopedia

After more than 900 hours of learning in Bangkit, Dafa’s journey continued. Dafa’s path intersected with Tokopedia through the “Tokopedia Devcamp” program. This intensive week-long boot camp provided him with training in various technical areas. This boot camp also served as a platform for Tokopedia to identify potential candidates, like Dafa, who are being considered for future roles within the company.

As Dafa immersed himself in the Devcamp training, little did he know that this experience would pave the way for his eventual recruitment into Tokopedia. Following his graduation from the program and subsequent work experience at a startup, Dafa was contacted by Tokopedia’s HR team in June 2023.
“Recognizing my participation in the Devcamp program and my upcoming graduation in July 2023, Tokopedia expressed interest in recruiting me as a Junior Software Developer.”
Subsequently, Dafa underwent a series of interviews and assessments, ultimately securing a position at Tokopedia as a Back-end Developer. In his role, Dafa was tasked with maintaining Tokopedia’s B2B platform, focusing on digital offerings such as API development for corporate clients.
“My job involved creating APIs to facilitate various transactions, including purchasing prepaid credit, paying utility bills, and accessing other digital products.”
Reflecting on his Bangkit experience, Dafa acknowledges the comprehensive training in Cloud Computing provided him with the skills, particularly in navigating Tokopedia’s level infrastructure. Moreover, the ILT sessions, mainly English proficiency, proved instrumental in Dafa’s professional development.

When asked about motivations for the Bangkit cohort, Dafa said, “Strengthen logical thinking and embrace the fundamentals.” While academia may focus more on theory, in the tech world, experience trumps degrees. So, don’t miss the opportunity to learn practical things.
“Don't miss out on experiences—especially internships or programs like Bangkit during college. Practical experience is invaluable in the world of technology.”
Reflecting on his struggles and triumphs, Dafa leaves us with a poignant reminder:
“Never give up, for every problem has a solution. No matter how tough life gets, remember that we will rise again. Never lose hope, as solutions will eventually emerge. Keep pushing forward, and you’ll overcome every obstacle.”
Through perseverance and determination, Dafa emerged from Bangkit with a wealth of knowledge and skills that paved the way for his success as a Back-End Engineer at Tokopedia. His journey proves the transformative power of facing challenges head-on and embracing growth with an open mind and heart.


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