Contributing to Society by Becoming an Impactful Android Developer

A Story of Wahyu Syarif Hidayatullah, Bangkit 2022 Graduate from Computer Science, Universitas Bumigora
“Until 2019, 94 million Indonesian adults could not access the Internet on a mobile device. Around 60 - 70% of Indonesians living in the country’s eastern region are inadequately connected due to variable quality of service.” – World Bank Group (2022)
Born and raised in Lombok Timur, Nusa Tenggara Barat, a region with limited internet access, Wahyu Syarif Hidayatullah’s (24) passion for technology thrived. This condition fueled his curiosity and ignited a fire to leverage technology for positive change. However, COVID-19 impacted his education and became an obstacle to his dream.

It didn’t stop his quest to give inclusive internet access to others. Otherwise, it led him to Bangkit. After 900 hours of learning Mobile Development (Android), he graduated and worked for a well-known telecommunications operator in Indonesia. Now, he is contributing to giving a better signal to Eastern Indonesia, including his hometown.

Wahyu’s story isn’t just about academic success; it's a narrative of overcoming limitations and striving to bridge the digital divide.

Known as a Problem Solver

The values of hard work and dedication shaped Wahyu’s early life. His father, a dedicated civil servant, and his mother, a passionate teacher, instilled a deep appreciation for education and its transformative power. As the eldest of three siblings, Wahyu also felt a strong responsibility to set an example for his younger brothers and sisters.

Regardless of the prevailing expectations in Lombok to pursue a career in government service, Wahyu’s heart lay elsewhere. Since the beginning, he harbored a deep fascination for technology and its potential to revolutionize everything.
“My interest in technology blossomed in the third-grade elementary school. The introduction of the internet ignited my imagination. I spent countless hours exploring the tech world.”
Despite his passion for technology, Wahyu faced challenges growing up in a remote area with limited internet access. Dial-up connections and slow speeds were the norm. He often resorted to sitting near windows to catch a stronger signal. Undeterred, he persevered, using these limitations as an opportunity to hone his problem-solving skills.

Wahyu’s innate problem-solving abilities and aptitude for technology quickly made him the go-to person for family and friends. He relished troubleshooting issues, repairing devices, and sharing his knowledge with others. His reputation as a tech expert grew, and he became known as the one to call for any tech-related problem.

His foray into programming began in high school, where he delved into web development. He started by creating simple websites, laying the foundation for his future endeavors in the coding realm. With unwavering determination, he pursued his dream, enrolling in Universitas Bumigora to study Computer Science.

Juggling Between Bangkit and Thesis

A pivotal moment in Wahyu’s journey came when he joined Bangkit in 2022, a prestigious program organized by Google. This intensive program allowed him to learn from industry experts, network with like-minded individuals, and hone his coding skills. However, long before that, it all began with uncertainty in his academic pursuits.

During his undergraduate studies, Wahyu faced the challenges of adapting to online learning amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. The sudden shift from traditional classroom settings to virtual learning posed difficulties for students and lecturers.
“The lack of in-person interaction and the reliance on self-paced assignments left me feeling uninspired and uncertain about my future career.”
During this period of uncertainty, a beacon of opportunity emerged. His lecturer shared a link to Bangkit registration. The prospect of Bangkit’s intensive learning environment and curriculum based on industry standards resonated deeply with him.

With his final semester approaching and his focus solely on his thesis, Wahyu recognized the urgency of joining Bangkit before graduation. He saw it as an invaluable opportunity to gain hands-on experience and prepare for the competitive job market. Despite the tight deadline, Wahyu seized the opportunity and applied for Bangkit.

Bangkit proved to be a transformative experience for Wahyu. However, juggling Bangkit’s intensive coursework with his thesis presented a significant challenge. Regardless of the demands of both endeavors, he remained committed to both, ensuring that he would not compromise on either.
“I carefully balanced my time, dedicating specific hours to each task and employing effective time management strategies to maximize my productivity.”

Harnessing the Power of LinkedIn Branding

After six months of struggling, he graduated from Bangkit. From an ILT (Instructor-Led Training) session called Personal Branding, he recognized the value of establishing a solid online presence to showcase his skills and attract potential employers. So he updated his LinkedIn profile, setting his status to #OpenToWork and actively engaging with the platform.

Wahyu's proactive approach quickly paid off. Within a short period, he received multiple job offers via LinkedIn. Even though they had some enticing offers, Wahyu strategically decided to wait until after graduation to accept a formal work interview.

After graduating in September 2022, Wahyu reactivated his LinkedIn profile and immediately met with new job offers. One of these offers came from PT Phincon, a company in Jakarta Pusat that focused on becoming an IT consultant. He decided to pursue this opportunity further.

Wahyu embarked on the interview process at Phincon, demonstrating his technical expertise and problem-solving abilities. The company was impressed with his potential and offered him an internship position. Only his three-month internship at Phincon Wahyu exceeded expectations, quickly adapted, and finally became a full-time employee.

As a full-time employee at Phincon, Wahyu is currently involved in the Project Medal Console, contributing to developing and maintaining MyTelkomsel’s features. He embraces the dynamic and fast-paced environment, utilizing Scrum methodologies to manage projects and meet deadlines effectively.

“Focus on Giving Your Best Today”

Wahyu attributes his success in the interview process and his ability to effectively contribute to his current projects at Phincon to Bangkit's comprehensive and up-to-date curriculum.
“Bangkit provided me with a solid foundation in Android development, particularly Kotlin, which has become an essential language for building Android applications.”
Even though he has the strong foundation he gained in Bangkit, Wahyu recognizes the importance of continuous learning and staying updated with the latest technological advancements. He actively seeks new knowledge and skills, ensuring he remains at the forefront of his field.

Drawing upon his own experiences, Wahyu offers valuable advice to current and future Bangkit participants:
“Approach the program with unwavering enthusiasm and dedication. Stay focused on the tasks and commit to giving your best effort through the program.”
Also, don’t forget to take care of physical and mental well-being. Effectively manage your time and create a schedule that balances academic commitments with personal needs. He also emphasizes maximizing efforts and learning opportunities in the present moment.
“Remember that the future is shaped by the actions we take today. No matter what happens, focus on giving your best today.”
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