Going through the Ups and Downs Before Becoming a Software Engineer

A story of Farhan Rivaldy, Bangkit 2023 Batch 2 Graduate from Informatics Engineering, Universitas Mulia

Sometimes, things don’t always go as planned. However, that doesn’t mean we can’t get where we want to be. Everything will work out if we persevere and believe that the alternative plan will lead to success. Farhan Rivaldy (22) understands this well.

Farhan—that’s what he’s called—once dreamed about following his father’s footsteps: To become a police officer. Unfortunately, a traffic accident extinguished his hopes. The surgical scar on his leg made him ineligible for the police academy.

However, Farhan refused to give up. He was convinced that the future held many more possibilities for him. That belief helped him to rise and encouraged him to become a successful digital talent today.

Curious about Farhan’s journey to finding his true calling? Let’s dive deep into his story!

An Unexpected Accident that Changed Farhan’s Life

In 2002, Farhan was born in Tanjung Selor, North Kalimantan, but raised in Balikpapan. He is the first of two children; his father was a police officer. As a child, he was like most police officers’ children, to follow in their parents’ footsteps. Unfortunately, his dream was shattered.

It all began when Farhan was around 8 years old. He was riding a motorcycle with his father from Balikpapan to Samarinda. Unfortunately, a car hit them, and Farhan broke his leg, forcing him to undergo surgery. The surgical scar on his leg made him ineligible for the police academy.

Little Farhan might be disappointed by fate once. However, his father kept supporting and encouraging him to pursue other dreams. Knowing that his firstborn had a growing interest in computers, Farhan’s father provided him with the device. Nothing matters for Farhan’s father other than seeing his son responsible for his life choices and becoming a beneficial person for others.

Determined to Learn Technology After Facing Challenges

As Farhan’s life began in middle school, Android became very popular among his classmates. Unfortunately, among the students who already had Android phones, Farhan was the only one who didn’t. Then, his classmates made fun of him for not having one.
“Back then, I was technologically inept. I didn’t even know what a meme was, and I needed help from a mobile top-up counter to create an email. The ridicule I faced motivated me to learn more about tech.”
Therefore, once Farhan graduated from middle school, he enrolled in SMK Negeri 2 Balikpapan vocational school, majoring in Computer Network Engineering. There, he explored anything related to network and server configuration.

In the middle of his vocational school years, Farhan decided to dive into programming to expand his future career prospects. Finally, using his weekly pocket money, Farhan enrolled in an online programming course and learned until graduating from high school. His decision to step out of his comfort zone set Farhan on a serious path in tech.

Establishing Google Developer Student Club (GDSC) On Campus

After graduating from vocational school, Farhan began his journey at Universitas Mulia, majoring in Informatics Engineering. He kept taking online courses to enhance his programming skills, even participating in some tech training programs on Dicoding for free.

At first, Farhan felt alone because only a few communities on campus matched his interests. This encouraged Farhan to take the initiative to establish Google Developer Student Clubs (GDSC) on campus when he was still a freshman. As the community grew, Farhan became the first on campus to be invited to the Google Indonesia office.

Thanks to Bangkit, Farhan’s first encounter with Bangkit was also through the GDSC. Unfortunately, Farhan couldn’t join because he hadn’t yet reached the fifth semester. However, when the right time came, Farhan had the opportunity to enroll in the Bangkit 2023 Batch and pick Cloud Computing as his learning path.

Building Resilience in Bangkit

When his journey in Bangkit began, Farhan saw an environment filled with bright talents. He believed that participating in this program could give him opportunities to grow and progress. Throughout his classes in Bangkit, Farhan consistently completed his coursework ahead of schedule.

During his time in Bangkit, Farhan felt that he successfully developed resilience. Additionally, he expanded his network, formed lasting friendships, and was always ahead of schedule, never missing a class or session.
“Bangkit shaped my mindset to become a person who is not afraid to take risks. Additionally, I also learned about how to manage my time and deal with stress.”

Kickstarting a Career as a Software Engineer

After completing 900 hours of study in Bangkit, Farhan graduated. He was ready to launch his career and immediately sought job opportunities. He applied for the position of software engineer at PT Comtelindo, a Balikpapan-based tech solution company.

During his interview with the company’s executive, Farhan discussed his Cloud Computing learning experience in Bangkit. The interviewer immediately recognized that Farhan’s skill set matched the company’s needs, and he was offered the job.
“As a Software Engineer, I’m responsible for researching and developing software the company needs. I’m grateful for my learning experience in Bangkit, especially the Google Cloud Skill Boost courses, which have equipped me with the skills to implement server solutions at work effectively.”
After overcoming challenges and becoming a successful digital talent, Farhan wants to inspire others to pursue their dreams as he did.
“If you want to succeed, don’t be afraid to try. To achieve your goals, embrace challenges, commit fully, and strive for excellence.”


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