Time Management is the Key to Self-Improvement

"The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away from you."
B.B. King
Dimas Rafi Ramaharmuzi (28) is a tax service civil servant (PNS) with an office in South Jakarta. People said that being a "PNS" equals living in a comfort zone and away from being tech-savvy. However, he wants to prove it wrong by continuing to upgrade his skills, especially in Mobile Development. In fact, parallel to his 9-5 work duty, he is also taking an online undergraduate (S1) course at Binus University, majoring in Computer Science.

Why Bangkit?

Initially, Dimas was drawn to learn tech after binge-watching educational videos of a tech influencer. He also closely follows Onno Widodo Purbo, a renowned IT enthusiast and tech lecturer. Both his role models triggered Dimas to learn more about this matter.
“They taught basic Computer Science through Youtube. That’s so helpful to me,” he said.
The IT learning is unique for Dimas, who initially took Taxation as his Diploma 1 and 3 degrees. Even though the two are different things, he didn't feel overwhelmed. Thanks to his two role models, his learning spirit grows.

The main reason for his profound interest in IT lies in his duty at work. Dimas is eager to change the internal taxation workflow from web-based to Android app-based. He adds that it can enhance employee collaboration, knowledge transfer, and an effective system.

Toward that goal, he initially needed clarification about where to learn the skills. However, after receiving registration information about Bangkit, he decided to join the program. Dimas was determined to be a Bangkit 2022 participant in the Android learning path.

Bangkit Stimulates Participants Toward Better Time Management

At 28, Dimas knows he is a late bloomer in Computer Science study. Almost all his Bangkit friends are in their early 20s, most are from an IT background, and many even have impressive portfolios in the tech field. He realizes he must catch up to others regarding age and skill level. Thus, sometimes, he feels stressed, fearing that he will not be able to graduate from Bangkit. Furthermore, the pressure for him is even higher, given that he's still taking regular classes and working in his office daily.

However, that does not prevent him from moving forward. He just wants to finish his 900-hour course in Bangkit really well! He believes in the Bangkit code of conduct, that everyone's status is the same, and that everyone is simply a learner. It's okay if everyone starts from a different level of expertise. Every day is an experience to unveil.
“I did Bangkit-related assignments at night or at dawn. Although sometimes I feel tired, I believe this effort is worth-it!”

What Dimas Expected from Bangkit

One of his favorite lessons in Bangkit is the ILT session regarding Associate Android Developer Certification since he met a few alumni and heeded their insights about how to pass the Google certification. Indeed, in the beginning, one of Dimas' motivations for joining Bangkit is to become an AAD-certified talent.

Another favorite is the guest speaker session, especially Laurence Moroney's speech, an expert to look up to regarding technological advances in AI and machine learning. The subject "Welcome to TensorFlow" and the speakers' long-standing experience captivated him, although he took the Android Developer learning path in Bangkit. However, he firmly believes that both learning paths correlate when building an application.

Regarding the soft skills topics, Idea Generation and MVP Planning are also at the top of his list since the material was helpful for his Capstone Project.

For Dimas, working on the Capstone project is the culmination of what he has learned. First, he and the team created an application named Nawara that aims to lessen sexual violence toward women and children. That was an enticing experience to work for it as it could evaluate the knowledge he had been getting, said Dimas. Moreover, Nawara won the Bangkit elevator pitch challenge. 

In addition, the mentor is the perfect combination to measure his growth by giving constructive feedback. As a result, he and the team were nominated as the best 50 among the other 400 teams.

Life After Bangkit

At the end of the program, Dimas was thrilled that he passed the Google Associate Android Developer exam. The exam was difficult, but he nailed it after many sleepless nights practicing and reviewing the simulation materials.

So, besides receiving a Google AAD certificate, what impact has Bangkit shed on Dimas' life?

To begin with, Dimas started his career at the Directorate General of Taxes in 2015 as an Operator Console, which deals with data analysis, IT Troubleshooting, and helping taxpayers if they have any difficulty accessing the web-based service. As time went by, Dimas had a new yet specific responsibility as a data analyst since 2019. He says that Bangkit significantly assisted him in tackling the new role and gaining validation from his acquaintance that he is a reliable tech person.

In addition, he is designing the Android application to support his workflow while deepening the Data Analyst course by self-learning. In addition, he has recently been selected as an instructor in Bangkit for Android Developer learning path to practice the "learning by doing" method while improving his technical insights.
To close the interview, he concluded, "Time management is the key to self-improvement."
Dimas learned the principle the hard way after struggling to juggle between Bangkit, regular courses, and office duty; back then, time management was almost unimaginable, and it took a lot of work to pour all his energy into different goals. At first, he never thought he would pass, but at last, HE DID IT! He passed Bangkit with flying colors.

Going forward, Dimas wants to give back to the community surrounding him. He wished to support local businesses in his neighborhood by building applications for their business.

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