Life as an Intern at the Presidential Advisory Council

A Story of Fichrie Fachrowi Adli, Bangkit 2023 Batch 1 Graduate from Economics, Universitas Airlangga
“Impossible means that you just didn’t do it yet.”
Frank Sonnenberg, American Author
Everyone has their own way of perceiving impossibility. Some decide to back off, while others refuse to give up and see the difficulty as an opportunity to overgrow. Fichrie Fachrowi Adli (21) discerned that challenges exist to take him to the next level. Therefore, despite his educational background, he earnestly pursued his dream of becoming a tech talent.

Let's read Fichrie's journey in Bangkit 2023 Batch 1 and how he got closer to his desired career―a Data Analyst!

An Economics Student with His Aspiration to Become a Data Analyst

Since 2020, Fichrie has been studying economics at Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya. As an economics student, Fichrie needed to familiarize himself with statistics and econometrics on campus. Those subjects led him to get acquainted with data-related things. Diving deeper into statistics and econometrics made Fichrie intrigued to learn more about data.

As Fichrie's enthusiasm for data got more significant, he became a self-taught learner to learn more about Python and data visualization. Unfortunately, it was difficult for him to comprehend the material since he wasn't a tech student. Surrender came into his mind as the learning leveled up.

However, one of his colleagues gave him information about Bangkit and its Machine Learning path. Seeing that Bangkit could help him be a future Data Analyst, he refused to give up and was determined to sign up for this program. Fichrie chose Machine Learning as his concentration, and his adventure in Bangkit 2023 Batch 1 began when he was accepted.

Making Sonnenberg's Wisdom as His Guide

Becoming a Machine Learning cohort in Bangkit 2023 Batch 1 introduced Fichrie to many new things. He never thought he could learn Machine Learning someday since he had no idea where to start. However, Bangkit made the impossibility possible.

The comprehensive curriculum provided by Bangkit prepared Fichrie for professional careers in the industry. Coming from a non-IT background didn't hinder him from reaping the benefits of learning in Bangkit. Whenever he encountered any obstacles, his mentor and peers would gladly help.

Bangkit's learning material that didn't only serve tech insights but also provided soft skills and English training got Fichrie to perceive that this program drilled him to be a career-ready talent. It was initially hard for Fichrie to discern the knowledge. Still, he always believed in Sonnenberg's sayings about something that seems impossible because we aren't familiar with what we have to deal with.

Making Sonneberg's words of wisdom as his guide, Fichrie strived to give the best in Bangkit. His endeavor bore fruit while undergoing the 900 hours of learning in this program.

Landed First Job in a Governmental Institution

Bangkit's learning activities were still going on when Fichrie tried his luck to apply for the Data Analyst Intern position at the Presidential Advisory Council Republic of Indonesia. He found that opportunity on the council's official website.

He was very grateful for participating in Bangkit since that experience helped him go through the recruitment process in the council. Fichrie's endeavor bore fruit when he was successfully accepted as one of the interns. He could land his first dream job as a Data Analyst Intern with the knowledge obtained from Bangkit.

As a Data Analyst Intern, Fichrie is in charge of analyzing data to support the Presidential Advisory Council's program evaluation. He is also responsible for preparing reports and collaborating in visualizing data to communicate complex information to the stakeholders.
“My learning experience in Bangkit helped me carry out the stages of data analysis from collecting, cleaning up, analyzing, and presenting data. Therefore, to you, Bangkit 2023 Batch 2 cohort, who chose the Machine Learning path, I advise you to familiarize yourself with basic programming and Python. Those will help you undergo the learning process in Bangkit.”
Fichrie recommended students from all over Indonesia to join Bangkit because of its supportive environment. He also emphasized that the keys to the cohort's success in Bangkit are grit, unwavering commitment, and faith in the following wisdom, "Impossible means that you just didn't do it yet."


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