Find Your Way Through Challenging Times

A Story of Azzar Rizky, Bangkit 2023 Batch 2 Cohort from Informatics Engineering, Universitas Multi Data Palembang
“A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials.” - Seneca
What’s the meaning of hardship in life? To answer this existential question, you may say that hardship will transform us into resilient people. Azzar Rizky (20) had experienced this. The young man already understood that life’s obstacles are inevitable because of the difficulties his family faced since he was a kid.

Navigating through ups and downs in life, Azzar realized that life’s challenges exist to teach him how to bounce back from the lowest moment of his life. He knew he was stronger than he thought and would leverage his resilience to build a successful career in the tech industry.

Growing Up in Difficult Condition Shaped Azzar’s Resilience

Azzar was born into a heartwarming yet humble family. Sometimes, the storms hit his family and prompted him to weather it. However, the dynamics that Azzar experienced built his resilience.

Losing his father when he was in elementary school marked the beginning of his arduous journey. His mother, who depended on her late father’s retirement salary for her family’s daily needs, had high hopes for Azzar. As the only man in the family, Azzar had a massive responsibility to give his middle-aged mother a better life.

For him, taking on this role is not only about fulfilling his family’s hopes but also a call to accompany and be devoted to his beloved mother faithfully. Azzar is a pillar of hope for his family, proving that love and persistence can overcome all trials and limitations.

During high school, Azzar was fascinated with videography. Understanding his hobby could help him earn money and finance his family, Azzar took a part-time job as a Content Creator at PT Tara Anugerah Rizky Agung, a property and security company. This experience shaped his resilience.

Stumble at First, Master at Last

After graduating high school, Azzar pursued higher education at Universitas Multi Data Palembang. It’s close to his home, so that he could accompany his mother.

At the university, he began his journey as an Informatics Engineering student. Initially, he thought studying informatics meant he would learn multimedia-related lectures. However, the reality was different. Realizing that this major focused on programming, Azzar almost gave up. However, his mother’s support encouraged him to survive.

It wasn’t easy, and it took several semesters before Azzar discovered his passion for Mobile Development (Android). Then, a Bangkit graduate senior who worked at GoTo encouraged him to learn more about Android on the Dicoding platform. Azzar took his senior’s advice and began to take courses on Dicoding.

Already part of the Dicoding ecosystem, one day, Azzar got information about the opening registration of Bangkit 2023 Batch 2. His campus fully supported him, allowing him to focus and participate in this program. Aspiring to broaden his horizon, Azzar signed up for Bangkit.

Breaking Free from Procrastination

After signing up for Bangkit, Azzar was accepted as one of the Bangkit 2023 Batch 2 Cohort. As a Mobile Development cohort, he immersed himself in learning Android. From the Instructor-Led Training (ILT) sessions to the capstone project, every phase felt like the best part of the transformation for Azzar.
“My favorite part of Bangkit is the soft skills ILT sessions. The diverse subjects presented by experienced instructors amplified my curiosity, making each session a captivating learning experience.”
For Azzar, Bangkit wasn’t just about acquiring technical skills; it rewired his mindset. Once a person who struggled with procrastination and laziness, he emerged disciplined and self-driven. His motivation was to make his mother happy by being more productive and purposeful in his pursuits.

However, Azzar found that some things were challenging. However, as Frank A. Clark said, “If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere.” Yet, the weight of being his family’s beacon of hope became a constant reminder for him. Notably, Azzar's transformation didn’t go unnoticed by his mother, who remarked:
“Before joining Bangkit, Azzar never used to wake up early. However, now, after waking up, he wasn’t on his phone anymore; he became an early bird who always makes time to study.”
Of course, the shift in his behavior and dedication spoke volumes about Bangkit's impact on his life.

Family’s Love: Greatest Motivation to Success

Throughout his journey, Azzar discovered that family’s love is his greatest source of motivation. He realized that his success wasn’t only for him but also for the people around him.
“Self-improvement is crucial, but true fulfillment comes from using our skills to benefit others.”
As he aspired to give his family a better life, every step Azzar took was a step towards a big dream. He even dreamed of contributing to Indonesian society.
“Let the love of those around you fuel your fire. Keep learning and striving for each step you take, and each lesson you learn paves the way to your dreams, a path illuminated by the light of those who care for you.”
For Azzar, family isn’t just a home but an unstoppable force that carries him through every adversity. They are the strong reason behind his determination to continue working and grow as an individual who benefits society.


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