Machine Learning for the Decent Life of Disabled

A Story of Moses Andrian, Bangkit 2021 Graduate from Biomedical Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya
“More than 30 million Indonesians have disabilities.”
(Indonesian National Socio-Economic Survey (Susesnas), 2018)
From the survey results above, we can conclude that there are quite a few people with disabilities in Indonesia. This disability includes intellectual, mental, sensory, and even physical impairment. The type of disability that becomes a concern for Moses Andrian (23) is a physical disability.

Moses is a Biomedical Engineering graduate from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya (ITS Surabaya), who formerly studied in Bangkit 2021, Machine Learning (ML) path. His acquired knowledge inspired him to research tech and health. He believed that the excellence of ML can provide welfare to people with physical impairment.

Bangkit; Weighty Program & Applicable Insights

Programming isn’t unfamiliar to Moses, considering that the biomedical field he studied consists of various disciplines, including anatomy, physiology, electrical engineering, etc. Therefore, Moses knew about ML before he had the opportunity to join Bangkit.

Moses got the opportunity to learn ML from Bangkit. He was acquainted with this educational program from one of his friends. Initially, Moses didn’t believe Bangkit was initiated by Google and supported by well-known tech industries, such as GoTo and Traveloka. However, after researching, Moses saw that Bangkit has high standards and weighty learning materials. Therefore, he didn’t hesitate to apply and was accepted.
“When I learned in Bangkit, I was given tech materials that opened up a new research field. In addition, the opportunity to take the TFD certification for free is impactful for my professional branding and can be included in my postgraduate registration application.”
Besides gaining abundant experience in learning about tech in Bangkit, Moses also felt he gained beneficial insights into soft skills. His favorite soft skills class was taught by Ibu Cindy Himawan, a Bangkit instructor who is also a lecturer at Institut Teknologi Harapan Bangsa. In his opinion, knowledge from Ibu Cindy was very applicable.

Research on the Application of ML to Prosthesis

As Moses said, his understanding from Bangkit opened up new research fields for him. Therefore, Moses was interested in researching the application of ML in the biomedical realm. Especially at that time, Moses was working on his bachelor thesis.
“I remembered the social challenge activity I did in college. At that time, I visited a location in Surabaya and met many people with physical disabilities. Some didn’t have hands or fingers, and their lives could have been better. That prompted me to research the application of ML to prostheses that could give them viability.”
Moses began his research process. Insights from Bangkit made him understand that it is possible to implement ML on the microcontroller to detect muscle movement more accurately. Without ML, the prototype had approximately 70% accuracy of adaptive control. After doing this research for his bachelor’s thesis, he plans to continue carrying out further study on this technology for his graduate studies thesis.

Aspiring to be a Worthy Human

Wishing he could develop this technology further, Moses planned to continue his postgraduate studies in ML. He wanted his research to make good progress until it could be finally realized to help many people with physical impairment.
“I want these people to be equal and have prosperity in their lives. Therefore, I hope that the technology I researched can be realized to provide sufficient dexterity for them. I’m doing this solely to practice the teachings of my church to become a worthy person who can benefit many people.”
Moses really couldn't stand seeing the limitations of people with disabilities. For this reason, he aspired to help the government develop ML technology in prostheses and distribute it to those in need one day.

Wanting his juniors in Bangkit 2022 to have the same passion for learning as him, Moses advised them not to waste the opportunity to study in this program. Instead, he encouraged them to find something that could spark their enthusiasm to create innovation that can benefit many people.


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