Defined Failure as a Chance to Begin Again

Hary Noval Ramadhan (22) was once so eager to learn software development in a boot camp. He hoped that it could boost his performance. However, the result remains a disappointment for him as the other participants have different skill levels.

On the other hand, this boy from Bogor defined failure as keeping moving forward. In 2022, he dedicated his time to Bangkit, taking the Mobile Development (Android) path. The HTML, CSS, and MVVM knowledge from previous experiences stimulated him to be profound about his struggles.

Recently, he worked for IDStar as a full-stack engineer. How could someone who ever failed be at such an achievement? Here is his full story!

Discovering the Advanced Impetus in Bangkit

Interested in mathematics since he couldn’t remember, Hary studied Informatics Engineering at Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika. Following his passion, he is willing to develop an application for public well-being.

Moreover, the issue he is aware of is about stunting in Indonesia. He knows the case number is relatively high, 21.6% (Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia, 2022).

Once this boy with a hobby of reading and exercising revealed Bangkit, he didn’t think twice about participating. Besides his failure on the prior occasion, he considered AAD certification a promising written recognition for his career later.

Tackling the 900 hours of learning wasn’t as easy as that. Let alone he had the other responsibility of helping his mother manage the culinary business. How did he work the time until graduating from Bangkit?
“I started the day assisting my mother in preparing the cooking process, then worked for Bangkit later. Meanwhile, I multitask at night as our culinary business is quite a hustle,” Hary explained.
Multitasking was indeed a challenging part for him. However, compelling all the sessions in Bangkit as best as possible defined his determination to finish what he had started.

Taking an Internship at Badan Kepegawaian Negara as a Full-Stack Web Developer

In September, or two months after graduating from Bangkit, Hary enrolled for an internship in Badan Kepegawaian Negara (BKN) as a Full-Stack Web Developer. His old and new versions are indeed different. After dealing with failure, he transformed into a confident digital talent.
“Soft skills and hard skills I gained during Bangkit boosted my performance as an intern candidate in Badan Kepegawaian Negara. I didn’t face any significant difficulty during the recruitment process,” Hary said.
The soft skills Hary marked as the most helpful in the real-world industry pointed to adaptability and a fast learning process. He said the technology sector is rapidly developing, meaning talent should do so.

Meanwhile, the hard skills Hary designated fell into “UX Design” and “Kelas Intermediate Android.” For what the matter? Through these classes, he studied the Google framework for programming, such as Angular and Dart. It then worked on his capability to construct his logical thinking while working for the other.

Working on IDStar after Finishing an Internship Period

Four months at BKN had passed, meaning Hary moved to the following schedule. Carrying out the same duty as a Full-Stack Web Developer, IDStar offered him a full-time position after trying his luck at a career fair. Therefore, he shouldn’t wait for long to get noticed.

IDStar is an IT consultant based in South Jakarta. It means he ought to leave his family in Bogor to nurture his passion and goals in the technology sector.

Furthermore, the recent project Hary undergoes is dedicated to BPJS Kesehatan. This responsibility faced him with a challenging moment he ought to overcome. He used to clash with tight deadlines and other problematic things. Surviving in this situation, experiences in Bangkit burst into a blessed feeling.
“The problem-solving material in Bangkit could be essential for the real-world industry. Hard skills without additional soft skills seem like unsteady building.”
On the other hand, Hary still manages some responsibilities at BKN during his full-time position. He states that his skill demands a significant role there. How did he manage the time to work on two? No wonder time management plays an essential part in it. Everyone could do it, but Bangkit gave him better enlightenment to utilize.

Hary’s Note for Bangkit 2023 Cohort

“Nothing is impossible as long as the powerful motivation is in. Normalize the failure for moving forward matters. Although stressful moments drag someone down, discovering new things to avoid the same mistake works. In addition, Bangkit provided the cohort with application creation guidance for public well-being. Make the most of it!”
More stories about Bangkit Alum and Cohort:
  1. Yulius - Discovering Multi-Platform Application for Grasping Self-Improvement
  2. Reza Juliandri - Augmenting Back-End and Artificial Intelligence to Eradicate Financial Fraud in Indonesia
  3. Nova Lailatul Rizkiyah - Woman at Work: A Second Chance in Career is Possible


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