Starting from Cloud Computing for Enhancing Competence as a Back-End Engineer

Do the tendencies of your surroundings influence your decision to take things? Aqmal Idris Zarkasih (22) isn’t. His family and friends may lead him to pursue a goal, but he has his own interest. He thinks it’s okay to be different as the critical result of your actions comes from yourself.

Recently, he has been doing an internship at PT Bumi Resources Minerals as a Software Engineer after taking the Cloud Computing learning path in Bangkit. How was the story until he gained competence and confidence in the position? Let’s dive in!   

Finding His Interest Since Vocational High School

A boy from Jatinegara, East Jakarta, is interested in IT Infrastructure for real. Although his family background revolves around marketing and finance, he shouldn’t follow the same path. He then registered himself as a Network and Computer Engineer student at a vocational high school. 

After graduating from vocational high school with a satisfactory GPA, he was eager to continue his education to the university by majoring in the same subject. In this phase, he had another consideration which didn’t deal with nurturing the interest only. He examined that the knowledge he gained before would be in vain if he left behind.

While completing his courses in Universitas Bakrie, especially in practical sessions, he didn't face a serious issue other than three aspects, namely visibility, manual processes, and collaboration. What are they?

Nowadays, networks are getting more complex as the demand from the business is considerably high. It means that the virtualization should meet good visibility. Dealing with this issue then continued to manual processes in handling troubleshooting with a command line interface. To add, collaboration with each member group was quite challenging as they should have a synchronization to realize a comprehensive system.

“Success is when we dare to explore ourselves,” Aqmal said. Not to mention that after discovering Bangkit in the sixth semester, he didn’t doubt his decision to register for the Cloud Computing learning path. 

Although most of his acquaintances took Machine Learning, he was still on his own in deepening Cloud Computing. Let alone, he is familiar with programming, especially the Back-End side. He believes that it could support his career ahead. 

On the other hand, he defined Cloud Computing as a new skill he learned. The other courses regarding API creation, postman testing, and architecture are the most challenging then he should tackle. 

Aqmal said that drilling himself with deep learning and joining group discussion truly matters to overcome the issue. Moreover, an unexpected event happened when he ran into the Capstone Project then.

While running the Capstone Project, Aqmal and the team generated an application for weather analysis. Each member has a role in carrying out. Nevertheless, besides Cloud Computing-related tasks, he ought to handle Machine Learning to reach their best performance. 

As a result, a boy with the hobby of playing basketball had to study overnight about Kotlin. Although he felt overwhelmed in arranging his schedule after dealing with university assignments, he thinks it’s a legit experience in facing other challenges later in professional work.

Taking an Internship after Graduating from Bangkit

“My career plan is to be a Back-End Engineer.” Aqmal started the story.

No wonder he considers his time full of enthusiasm for digesting all the sessions in Bangkit. However, he ranked the most profound courses, they are “Introduction to Google Cloud,” “How to be a Professional Software Engineer,” and “Time Management.”

Furthermore, he said those three could significantly boost his confidence in an internship at PT Bumi Resources Minerals. He also mentioned that adaptability and teamwork experiences from Bangkit completed his recent competence.

“In carrying out my role at PT Bumi Resources Minerals as a Software Engineer, the adaptability skill I gained from Bangkit could support me in working on various language programming, such as React. Js and Express. Js. Besides, through teamwork experience, the collaboration among divisions runs smoothly as it should.”

Before he received an offer to take an internship, he ought to pass the recruitment process. Thanks to Bangkit, he could perform as best as he could in tackling written tests regarding programming and interview sessions.

“I feel grateful to have Bangkit in my career journey. All the soft skills there helped me as an outstanding candidate in interview sessions, especially about business presentations.”

“Feeling satisfied with the achievements is normal, but don’t do it too quickly. It would hinder you from growing and learning. Moreover, your persistence and consistency matter for gaining a special impression on the interviewer when you apply for a job later,” Aqmal elaborated. 

More stories about Bangkit Alum and Cohort:
  1. Hary Noval Ramadhan - Defined Failure as a Chance to Begin Again
  2. Yulius - Discovering Multi-Platform Application for Grasping Self-Improvement
  3. Reza Juliandri - Augmenting Back-End and Artificial Intelligence to Eradicate Financial Fraud in Indonesia


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