Believe in Your Turn to Succeed through Patience and Perseverance

Why should there be obstacles when someone is trying to achieve success in what they are striving for? Although it’s difficult, it turns out that there are lessons to be learned, as Jundi Nasrullah Qorib (24), a boy from Bekasi, did.

Nothing but patience and perseverance are keys to realizing his dreams. It then enlightens him that everyone has their own turn to succeed. At that time, he applied for an internship but got an offer as a full-time employee instead. What was his background story? Let’s dive in!

Taking a Gap Year Before Going to College

Jundi was blown away by technology during high school, especially regarding Web and Mobile Development. Moreover, it led him to take an in line course at the university, Computer Engineering.

However, it is challenging for the youngest of three siblings. Coming from a middle-class family, tuition fees turned out to be expensive compared to daily living costs. What does he do to cope with that condition?

Postponing college for a year to accumulate fees was something Jundi could do. He worked hard in a small garment manufacturing business quite far from his residence, as it required a 40-minute trip by motorcycle. He knew that was tiring, but the results he got later would pay off.

“My father worked as a salted egg seller, then became an online taxi bike driver. Nevertheless, my two older sisters accomplished their undergraduate education and are now becoming teachers. If they could achieve their goals with more effort, why couldn’t I?” Jundi explained excitedly.

Keep Learning to be Better: A Motto Jundi Held

In 2018, Jundi was enrolled as a Computer Engineering student at Universitas Indraprasta PGRI (UNINDRA), South Jakarta. During his studies, he learned from many sources since he had a motto, “keep learning to be better.”

In addition to following the lecture sessions wholeheartedly that he managed to graduate on time, a boy with a hobby of walking in nature was active in group studies on campus. He also diligently attended technology training out there, both online and offline.

One technology training he found memorable was 72 days with a government program, “Balai Latihan Kerja,” where he took the Mobile Development learning path. Although it was a short learning period, he noticed that the fundamental materials significantly boosted his knowledge.

“The participants have an opportunity to take exam certification, “Badan Nasional Sertifikat Profesi.” I feel blessed to graduate on that occasion. Nonetheless, I still need to undergo an extensive training program to become a digital talent focusing on Web and Mobile Development,” Jundi said.

After Balai Latihan Kerja, What’s Next?

Jundi admits that the more challenging technology training was when he joined Bangkit. Why so?

The challenge came early when his participation in Bangkit coincided with his hustle and bustle as a final-year student struggling with thesis writing. Let alone he did a side job as an online taxi bike driver since he was a freshman for living expenses.

“Tired for sure, but I avoid overlearning. Relaxing for a moment while seeking support from family and friends is okay,” concluded Jundi.

Meanwhile, in terms of material, he considered that English class requires more determination to get a good understanding. “Watching movies, listening to music, and podcasts, is how I learned to improve my language skills,” Jundi discovers.

When working on the Capstone Project, the challenges are even harder for Jundi. For some reasons, he was the only one from Mobile Development Cohort in his team. He states that it overwhelmed him as there was no mate to discuss.

“Instead of avoiding difficulties, it should be faced,” Jundi thought. He looked for solutions through Youtube tutorials and asked campus fellows. The result? The D-Jahit application that connects tailors or clothing manufacturers with potential customers has been successfully made.

There was satisfaction when Jundi and the team finished D-Jahit through a tenacious process. For him, that is something to be proud of. Why so? It is the first one to generate a comprehensive application that integrates Machine Learning on Android and API, he said with a bright smile.

Kickstart His Career as a Web Developer at Mitra Keluarga

A month after graduating from Bangkit, Jundi officially earned his bachelor’s degree. He identified that implementing time management skills in this program was convenient in arranging activities without neglecting any of them. What other benefits does he get?
“During the Capstone Project, my problem-solving skills were trained, likewise with several programming languages and frameworks. Thank you, Bangkit; I could pass all the recruitment processes as a Web Developer at Mitra Keluarga without significant obstacles,” Jundi declared.
Mitra Keluarga is one of the largest hospital groups in Indonesia, with 17 branches in this country. Jundi did not expect that he would become one of the full-time employees there who handled the website for internal and external purposes. In fact, he intended to apply as an IT Programming intern.
“In my opinion, being an outstanding candidate in an interview session could increase the chances of being accepted for a job. I could answer the case study if there was an error in my work later. Besides, professional communication materials at Bangkit help me present applications and websites that I have made,” Jundi demonstrated.
What are the vigorous parts of work as a Web Developer? Jundi responded to this question with a nod since there were indeed two big things he had to deal with. What are they?

On top of having to follow every technological development, he needs to get used to tight deadlines in fulfilling a project. On the other hand, he is responsible for ensuring the website’s deliverables, whether relevant, competitive, responsive, and efficient when compared to competitors.

Jundi has proven that patience and perseverance notably influence his self-development. He hopes that Bangkit Cohort 2023 has a similar attitude to maintain continuous earnings, collaborate on running a project, and dare to dream big.

More stories about Bangkit Alum and Cohort:
  1. Elsa Shafira Ramadhani - Deep Dive into IT Infrastructure Role through Cloud Computing in Bangkit
  2. Dyota Cantacyacitta Vidyadhari - Build Your Own Path to Pursue Career in Industry
  3. Kenrico Valens - Building Career Readiness from Early On


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