Learning by Doing Teaches Us Best

A Story of Rifky Manuel Satyana, Bangkit 2022 Graduate from Mathematics, Universitas Gadjah Mada
"Experience is the teacher of all things."
Julius Caesar, Roman General & Statesman
Nothing gives us better expertise in particular skills than practicing them, and Rifky Manuel Satyana (23) aligns himself with it. Becoming an expert in Back-End Development was something he wished for. Therefore, he paved the way for his career by enrolling in Bangkit 2022.

His eagerness to learn in this program was motivated by the thought that experience held the key to the best learning. How was Rifky’s journey in Bangkit 2022, and what did he do to come out victorious? Let’s read his story!

Mathematics is the Science Underlying Technology

Born and raised in Jakarta, Rifky is a 23-year-old man familiar with technology since middle school. His curiosity about technology made creating a minimalist website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and building a simplified game utilizing Python something he could do in his teenage years.

Rifky’s attentiveness to technology piqued his sister’s friend’s interest to recommend him to study mathematics after graduating high school. His brother’s friend said that mathematics is the science underlying technology. This field of study would not only teach about calculating but also train him to think logically.

Taking his sister’s friend’s advice and knowing that participating in mathematics competitions was something he used to do, Rifky finally went to Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), majoring in Mathematics. Then, his life as a student at UGM began.

Rifky’s Enthusiasm in Learning Cloud Architecture

In his learning journey at UGM, Rifky got acquainted with Bangkit when he was writing his bachelor thesis. One of his colleagues recommended he participate; then, he researched this program, knowing that Rifky was unfamiliar with Kampus Merdeka.

Learning that Bangkit has Cloud Computing as one of the learning paths, Rifky was fascinated because he was enthusiastic about learning cloud architecture. Moreover, he just completed 142 out of 144 semester credits on campus required to graduate from university. In his opinion, it was better for him to fulfill the remaining two credits by participating in Bangkit than attending additional courses on campus. Finally, Rifky signed himself up.

As Rifky’s studying period in Bangkit began, he felt satisfied with the learning experience. Once, Cloud Computing was a knowledge that he got very little exposure to. Therefore, getting to know about this technology blew in some fresh air.

Although Rifky enjoyed his participation in Bangkit, challenges were inevitable. Becoming a cohort in this program while writing a bachelor’s thesis was difficult. He needed to split his focus into two concentrations: mathematics and technology. However, Bangkit’s supportive learning environment helped him to survive and give the best to these two.

The Significant Impact of Capstone Project Experience

Of all the activities Rifky engaged in Bangkit, his favorite is the capstone project. He created Aplikasi Belajar Anak (ABA) with his peers, an app powered by speech recognition technology that can help children learn to speak and read.

He admitted that working on this final project allowed him to gain insight into the developers’ real ecosystem. If it weren’t for the project, he wouldn’t know how it felt to brainstorm an idea to solve a problem using technology, lead a team of developers, and pitch his team’s innovation in front of people. Even fixing a bug in the application until 3 a.m. is unforgettable for him.

After 900 hours of going through the ups and downs of Bangkit, Rifky came out victorious as a graduate with an Associate Cloud Engineer (ACE) certification. From that moment, he knew he wanted to establish a career in Back-End Development. Therefore, he applied for the Back-End Developer Intern position at Privy, a digital signature provider platform, to get closer to his dream.

Three days after defending his bachelor’s thesis, Rifky got a notification from the recruiter that he was hired as the Back-End Developer Intern at Privy. In this position, he was responsible for creating an app planned by the stakeholders and coordinating with other departments.
“I was very grateful for my Bangkit Capstone Project experience that familiarized me with the developers’ working environment. My aptitude at work made me assigned as the leader of the apprentice team.”

Launched a Full-Time Career at One of Indonesian Notable Enterprises

Bangkit’s learning experience boosted Rifky’s confidence in many ways. After his internship period at Privy was over, and his graduation ceremony was held, he tried to aim higher by looking for a full-time job opportunity.

Not long after, a recruiter slid to his LinkedIn and offered him to apply for the ITDP Sinarmas Mining program. Rifky welcomed that opportunity and was again accepted into the program. As part of the ITDP, he had first to be familiar with the Full-Stack Development. One more time, Rifky’s familiarity with the tech developer working environment, thanks to Bangkit, helped him to pass the probation and be a Back-End Developer.

As a Back-End Developer assigned to one of Sinarmas Mining’s business units, he extensively utilizes Google Cloud services. Therefore, Cloud Computing knowledge acquired from Bangkit assisted Rifky in adapting to his tasks at work. Those insights facilitated him to give his best professional performance at the office.

5 Ways to Excel in the Cloud Computing

As someone with proven achievements in Cloud Computing, Rifky gave these five tips on how to excel in this learning path for the Bangkit 2023 Batch 2 Cohorts.

#1 Make the Most of Your Bangkit’s Learning Opportunities

“Always attend the ILT sessions according to the schedule. Make time to show up in other important sessions presenting inspiring speakers. These sessions can broaden your horizon.”

#2 Maximize Your Google Cloud Facility

“Bangkit gave you the Google Cloud service for free; please maximize that facility. Explore all the features to understand how this tool works wholly. Being familiar with this tool helped me pass the ACE exam.”

#3 Learn More and More

“Bangkit indeed gave you comprehensive learning about tech. However, as a digital talent, it would be better for you to learn more from other sources. Your abundant knowledge will help you excel in the professional world.”

#4 Community Plays Significant Role

“Be a part of a community. A community can be your other source of knowledge. Don’t hesitate to ask questions to those more experienced than you. Engaging with other tech developers is fun.”

#5 Working on the Capstone Project is The Best Learning Method

“Again, I’ll say that this is my favorite part. This final project is an opportunity for us to get exposure to the developers’ working ecosystem and the best learning method. You can get many from this activity if you put your heart into it.”


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