Faisal’s Endeavor in Gaining Experience Towards Becoming a Cloud Expert

A Story of Muhammad Faisal Nugroho, Bangkit 2023 Batch 1 Graduate from Informatics Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Bandung

In the bustling streets of Bogor, the story of Muhammad Faisal Nugroho's (21) story took root—a tale of a young visionary who, despite the absence of privilege, dared to dream in pixels and code. As the eldest son in a family burdened by financial constraints, Faisal's journey was a testament to the unwavering spirit that arises when determination meets opportunity.

From the corridors of a modest home to the bustling online classrooms of Bangkit, Faisal's perseverance symbolized a personal triumph and the promise that education and technology hold for those willing to reach for the stars. This is the story of Faisal, whose commitment to his dream can rewrite the script of his future.

The Endurance of Faisal’s Family

Faisal was born in 2001 in Bekasi but raised in Bogor. He emerged as the eldest among four siblings. His father passed away in 2011, when he was just in fifth grade, leaving his mother as the sole provider. Struggling against the financial tides, Faisal's mother engaged in poultry trade at a local eatery to sustain her four children.

This economic backdrop prevented Faisal’s family from having a prosperous financial life. Their livelihood relied entirely on the proceeds from Faisal's mother's small chicken business. As the eldest, Faisal bore the weight of responsibility on his young shoulders.

His mother wished to see Faisal become remarkable and successful while staying true to his roots and faith. Driven by his mother's hopes, Faisal was determined to be the cornerstone of his family.

When Faisal Pursued His IT Dream in Bangkit

Faisal's fascination with technology grew when he was a child. His curiosity about technology blossomed, fueled by early interests in gaming and science fiction films. Moving through junior high, he delved into technology magazines and excelled in mathematics competitions.

As he went to high school, Faisal's passion for technology intensified. Despite economic hurdles, his uncle gifted him a computer during his final year. This resource ignited Faisal's enthusiasm for tech. It paved the way for his decision to pursue a degree in Informatics Engineering at Universitas Muhammadiyah Bandung.

During his university journey, Faisal discovered Bangkit through a friend who had graduated from the Machine Learning path in 2022. Intrigued by the program's association with Google and leading industries like GoTo and Traveloka, Faisal sensed an opportunity to elevate his skills.

Eager to benefit directly from Bangkit, Faisal enrolled in Bangkit 2023 Batch 1, choosing the Cloud Computing path. Accepted into the program, Faisal found the learning experience enjoyable. Beyond acquiring technical knowledge in Cloud Computing, he gained soft skills and improved his English proficiency.

Worked on the Company-Based Capstone Project and Secured Internship Positions

When Faisal was asked about the most memorable part of learning in Bangkit, he highlighted the Company-Based Capstone Project. This opportunity allowed him and his team to tackle real-world challenges in collaboration at Wowrack Indonesia, a company providing technology services based in Jakarta and Surabaya.

Assigned to develop the Cloud Raya Mobile Apps for Wowrack's product, Cloud Raya, Faisal and his team navigated the professional world. The capstone project was a rewarding and eye-opening experience, providing Faisal with insights into professional workflows and problem-solving within a technology company.
“Our hard work paid off as my team emerged as a standout performer at Wowrack Indonesia, and we secured internship positions through Grow with Google Career Fair.”
Faisal, in particular, seized a three-month internship as a Cloud Computing Intern. In this role, he handled critical data for projects, managed databases, and created APIs for machine learning team transactions using Wowrack's API.

His internship at Wowrack proved to be an impressive learning experience. The exposure gave him valuable lessons on effective teamwork and client communication through virtual presentations.

God Never Tests Us Beyond Our Capabilities

After completing 900 hours of learning Cloud Computing in Bangkit and successfully interning at Wowrack, Faisal graduated with a profound sense of accomplishment. He gained confidence in branding himself as someone experienced in Cloud Computing. Additionally, he expanded his professional network through Bangkit.

Faisal's message to aspiring digital talents was simple but powerful. He encourages them to follow his path, join Bangkit, and give their best in their capstone projects to receive internship offers like him.
“You may feel exhausted, but remember, God never tests us beyond our capabilities. Stay motivated and give your best for your bright future.”
Faisal's journey from adversity to expertise stands as a testament to resilience, determination, and the transformative power of education. His story inspires others to overcome challenges, pursue dreams relentlessly, and forge a future illuminated by passion and dedication.

More stories about Bangkit Alum and Cohort:
  1. Aditya Davin Pradana - Realizing Dreams Requires Adequate Preparation
  2. Gugi Asgaruning - Your Today’s Choices Determine Your Path
  3. Timotius Haniel - Lifelong Learning Fuels Careers at Top Companies


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