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A Story of Mochamad Arya Bima Agfian, Bangkit 2022 Student from Universitas Padjadjaran
“Those who know, do. Those who understand teach.”

Teaching seems to have become inseparable from Mochamad Arya Bima Agfian's (21) childhood dream. Since he was still wearing the white-blue uniform, Abim―that’s what he’s called―has had aspirations to teach.

Now, when Abim has become a Computer Science Student at Universitas Padjadjaran and just fell in love with anything related to Android, he is still pursuing his little dream by carrying out the role of a lab assistant who teaches. So, how can Bangkit keep Abim’s little dream alive?

Always Been the Right Person to Ask Questions

Ever dreamed of becoming an astronaut, Abim is a person who has been frequently asked about school subjects by his classmates since he was in middle school. This prompted him to wish to become a teacher someday.

Like most children, Abim was also a kid who put some interest in computers and also liked playing games. Abim’s craze for games and computers led him to become a Computer Science Student at Universitas Padjadjaran after graduating high school.

Abim's desire to revive his little dream of teaching appeared in his freshman year on campus.
“When I was in my first year of college, I saw my senior serving as a lab assistant who was also in charge of teaching. It made me think that being an IT instructor would be very exciting. I believe that socializing and sharing knowledge can provide many benefits.”
Therefore, Abim began to pursue his dream until now, he has become a lab assistant for two semesters. He teaches data structures, database systems, and object-oriented programming.

As time went by, Abim’s dream grew more prominent. He didn’t only want to be an IT instructor but also had the vision to launch a career as a software developer. Moreover, when Abim saw that becoming an Android developer has an excellent prospective future, he wanted to hone those skills too. Shortly after, news about Bangkit reached his ears.

Only a “Will” is Never Enough

In the 6th semester, Computer Science Students at Universitas Padjadjaran usually participate in an internship program or do other beneficial activities that can support their graduation. Abim decided to register for Bangkit when news about this Google career readiness program came from one of his seniors.

Abim’s enthusiasm for joining Bangkit was not only because he wanted to be a software developer with a capability in teaching. A rejection from an internship program at a fintech company also pushed him to sign himself up.
“I was rejected by a fintech company when I applied for an Android intern position. At that time, all I had was only a ‘will’ without sufficient skill in Android. It was predictable that I would end up not being accepted. I realized that only a ‘will’ is never enough. Therefore I joined Bangkit to acquire knowledge and skill about Android.”
In addition, Abim also sees that Bangkit offers an opportunity to take Android Associate Developer certification for free. Support from leading tech industries, such as Google, GoTo, and Traveloka, makes Bangkit seem exceptional for Abim, knowing that he will gain a beneficial learning experience directly from the experts. Abim believes that anything he gets from Bangkit later will help him kick-start his career one day.

To Plant the Seeds of Success

As a Bangkit 2022 cohort, Abim hopes that he can get adequate learning about Android. He knows that Bangkit will provide him not only with technical knowledge but also with soft skills and English. Abim’s other goal when he graduates from Bangkit later is to be a certified Android Associate Developer.
“The opportunity to learn directly from the experts and get certified for free is priceless for me. Therefore, I want to take advantage of it after Bangkit's graduation. I believe the certification will help me get an internship position at the Bangkit Career Fair later. I also want to teach the knowledge I got here to many people. Yes, Bangkit will definitely help me plant the seeds of success.”
Abim hopes to fulfill his obligations in Bangkit and his teaching assistant schedule. He really wants to be fully committed to making good progress in Bangkit, so he can make his knowledge more beneficial by spreading it to many people through an educational activity he used to do.

This future Android developer also wishes for the seriousness of his fellow cohort in learning in Bangkit. Abim knew that the learning process would make everyone feel bored and pressured someday, but we will never really understand if we don't break these barriers. He believes that everything obtained from Bangkit will be beneficial for the future.

How about you? What would you like to gain from Bangkit to support your future?


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