Your Today’s Choices Determine Your Path

A Story of Gugi Asgaruning, Bangkit 2021 Graduate from Computer Science, Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang

Our future isn’t determined by where we are from or under what circumstances we were born. The choices we make today play significant roles in shaping it. Gugi Asgaruning (24), a Computer Science graduate from Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang, believed in it.

Despite coming from a small village in Kabupaten Kuningan, Jawa Barat, and being born into a humble family, Gugi knew he possessed the power to create the future he envisioned; he wanted to be a tech talent. Therefore, to get closer to his dream, Gugi pursued computer science at university and joined Bangkit in 2021.

As he graduated from this program, Gugi embarked on a journey he had always dreamed of. What was it, and how did Gugi pave the way to reach his goal? Let’s read his whole story!

From His Parents’ Small Kiosk, Gugi Worked On His Dream

If Gugi were asked about what made him and his elder sister manage to pursue higher education, he would answer, “My parents’ hard work in establishing the family’s small kiosk.”

Gugi’s parents were once employees in a private company. One day, Gugi’s father had taken ill, and it prompted his mom and dad to sign off, start the small business, and work from home. Selling groceries and convenience items helped Gugi’s family survive, and eventually, his parents could send him and his sister to school.

Seeing his parents' hard work in sending him to school, Gugi didn't want to disappoint them. He wanted to be a successful child who could one day make his family proud. Therefore, he aspired to succeed in the field in which he was passionate about technology.

Gugi's fascination with technology began at a young age. He loved to dissect his mobile phone and see how it worked with Java, Symbian, and Android operating systems. This interest continued throughout his high school years, and he eventually decided to pursue a higher education at Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang, majoring in Computer Science.

Being Recommended by His Lecturer to Join Bangkit

As his life at college began to unveil, Gugi delved deeper into technology, the subject he had always been smitten with. He enjoyed his college life so much until his senior year approached. In the 8th semester, Gugi was about to start working on his bachelor thesis. He was interested in researching Machine Learning.

At the same time, his lecturer informed him about Bangkit and all the benefits Gugi could reap if he became one of the participants. He told Gugi that Bangkit offered Machine Learning as one of its paths and provided study conversion of up to 20 credits. Moreover, Gugi’s lecturer also said that output from Bangkit could be transformed into his bachelor thesis.

Being recommended by his lecturer and his seniors, Gugi was confident of signing up for Bangkit. Seeing Bangkit was held online and supported by leading tech companies such as Google, GoTo, and Traveloka, Gugi believed this program could get him closer to his dream.

The acceptance letter came to his inbox after he submitted the required documents to join Bangkit. Then, Gugi’s journey in Bangkit as a Machine Learning cohort officially started in February 2021.

When Gugi Thrived in Bangkit

“Challenging yet enjoyable” were three words that best describe Bangkit, according to Gugi. At first, applying the self-taught learning method was pretty tough for Gugi. This situation has driven him to master time management and catch up with the learning process. He should finish the courses based on the predetermined deadlines.

Moreover, his capstone project in Bangkit also made him easily adaptable. Forming a team of students from different cities and universities also taught him to embrace diversity professionally.

From all the learnings earned in Bangkit, Gugi found that the best part of joining this program was acquiring comprehensive and practical-based technical knowledge. At the end of the program, he was even encouraged to build a Machine-learning model. Moreover, the soft skills learning materials given in Bangkit also prepared his career. He then knew how to create a good resume, communicate professionally in English, and establish a professional commitment.

It was a golden opportunity for Gugi to learn directly from experts from leading tech industries. His endeavor to learn for more than 900 hours in Bangkit yielded satisfying results. Gugi graduated from this program and became a certified TensorFlow Developer (TFD), thanks to Bangkit.

Established a Career in AI

After graduating from Bangkit, Gugi said he got many from this program, including the TensorFlow Developer (TFD) certification. Becoming a globally certified tech talent boosted Gugi’s confidence as he wanted to launch his career once his bachelor’s degree certificate was in his hands.

As a Bangkit graduate specializing in Machine Learning, Gugi aimed for Machine Learning-related positions. He started his career as an intern at Bahasa Kita, a company based in Jakarta that provides conversational AI services. After gaining experience in this company for a year, Gugi was offered an opportunity to embark on his full-time career as an AI Research Scientist at, an AI startup in the same field as Gugi’s prior company.

Gugi was interested in accepting the offer because allowed him to work remotely from his hometown in Kuningan, Jawa Barat. It would be a pleasure for Gugi to accompany his mother, who now lived alone. Gugi’s father passed away, and his elder sister married and moved out with her husband. Therefore, it was Gugi’s responsibility to take care of his mother.

With a TFD certification, Gugi managed to be hired by Now, while caring for his mother, Gugi carries out his responsibilities as an AI Research Scientist. He has to research the newest AI-related trends and their technology to be applied to existing or upcoming projects. Research conducted by Gugi is expected to improve the quality of the company’s project.

Moreover, Gugi said that all Machine Learning courses in Bangkit came in handy for Gugi’s work in researching AI-related things for the company’s project. Meanwhile, for soft skills, he found that Time Management topics are useful because they built his discipline and responsibility with his time while working remotely.
“For those who want to start an AI career like me, I think Bangkit can be one of the stepstones that pave the way for that goal. I believe that everyone has the same opportunity to be successful. It’s just how firm you believe that you can seize the opportunities and be someone you always dream of.”


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