Never Give Up, Even in the Face of Rejection

A Story of Muhamad Fardal Akter Min Gali, Bangkit 2023 Batch 1 Graduate from Informatics Engineering, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

“In a word, I was a pioneer and therefore had to blaze my own trail,” remarked Major Taylor story, one of America’s finest cyclists in history. Interestingly, that same spirit resonated within Fardal. Muhamad Fardal Akter Min Gali, known as Fardal, is a senior Informatics Engineering student at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. He works as an Android Intern at Nusantara Beta Studio (NBS).

Before landing his Android job, Fardal embarked on a journey in Bangkit. For more than 900 hours of learning, Fardal drilled himself into the Mobile Development (Android) path. How was Fardal’s struggle in paving his way to his desired career? Let’s delve into the story!

A Man Who Passionates About Android Since the Beginning

Born in Cianjur and growing up in Tangerang, Fardal found his passion for tech through video games. His fascination with tech started from tinkering with his PlayStation 2 and spending time in the internet cafe. On that occasion, he dived deeper into the tech realm.

As Facebook groups became a trend, Fardal joined a group discussion called Oprek Android. With his first mobile phone, his excitement with the Android system blossomed. From tweaking UI interfaces to crafting custom ROMs for another OS, Fardal found his passion in exploring Mobile Development.

It’s fair to say that the online community laid the groundwork for Fardal’s ambitions. Beyond chasing technology trends, he continually deepened his understanding of the Android system, making it his primary goal.

Seeing an Opportunity to Grow and Expand His Professional Network in Bangkit

At the peak of his desire for Mobile Development, Fardal discovered Bangkit. Within his campus circles, this program was a hot topic. Finding information about Bangkit wasn’t challenging for him; he often heard about it from seniors or through campus events.

For him, Bangkit’s charm comes from solid branding and its reputation for valuable knowledge and networking opportunities. Fardal was drawn to the learning path, particularly in Mobile Development (Android), which aligns perfectly with his passion and experience. Another reason Fardal joined was the provided courses and soft skills, which he was eager to dive into.
“Bangkit offers courses and soft skills that are incredibly helpful. Moreover, the opportunity to meet and connect with remarkable individuals from the Bangkit ecosystem was another reason that sharpened my interest.”
In Bangkit, Fardal saw a doorway to exchanging ideas, learning from experts, and connecting with individuals who share similar dedication to Indonesia’s tech development.

Therefore, joining Bangkit wasn’t just about sharpening his knowledge of Android development. It was also about expanding his network, gaining new perspectives, and becoming part of a community oriented towards technology success.

Enriching Both Knowledge and Experience

Throughout Bangkit, Fardal acquired technical knowledge and skills crucial in today’s technological landscape. Even though he needed time to adapt, ILT sessions like Time Management enabled him to meet the deadlines set for the courses.

His favorite moments were the Guest Speaker sessions, which provided inspiration and motivation to enhance his growth as an engineer and individual. Furthermore, English sessions provided him with invaluable experiences, allowing direct interaction with native speakers.

An interesting fact was that Mobile Development (Android) is one of the most challenging courses in Bangkit. Yet, through dedication and hard work, Fardal completed it. However, that was not all because the highlight of his experience was during the capstone project.

During the capstone project, Fardal worked with an exceptional team, learning extensively through their collaboration. They jumped into the field, testing their assumptions and gaining direct insight into applying their knowledge in real-time.
“In Bangkit, I gained excessive knowledge, especially during the capstone period. I formed a team with incredible individuals and learned much from them. We went into the field, observing firsthand conditions and their implications.”
For Fardal, this process also taught him about team dynamics and ways of minimizing miscommunication. After completing Bangkit, Fardal gained knowledge, certificates, networking opportunities, and, most importantly, remarkable experiences.

Kickstarting Tech Career in NBS

Not long after completing Bangkit 2023 Batch 1, Fardal seized an opportunity as an Android Intern at NBS through the Android Developer Club at his campus. At the club, he connected with a senior interning at NBS. He submitted his application without hesitation, navigated through the interview process, and successfully secured the position.

Fun fact: Fardal had applied for the same role at NBS one year earlier and got rejected. This experience taught him that relations and industry knowledge were crucial.
“Before learning in Bangkit, I applied to NBS for the same role. However, I was rejected. It’s safe to say that the knowledge from Bangkit provided a strong foundation in the recruitment process.”
The knowledge he got during Bangkit helped him understand both technical and soft skill questions during interviews. As an Android Intern at NBS, his main task is implementing applications based on existing requirements.

The learning experience from Bangkit assisted Fardal in grasping the fundamentals of Git and its application in team projects. This experience accelerated his ability to work effectively in a team. With enthusiasm and determination, Fardal demonstrated that his willingness to learn can pave the way to success, even in an industry that might be harder, among others.
“My motivation for those who want to dive into Android development is simple. There’s no room for excuses like ‘I can’t,’ ‘I won’t,’ or ‘I'm embarrassed.’ Only the determination to keep moving forward will shape your path toward your passions.”
Fardal’s story encourages us to take bold steps, learn from experiences, and never give up, even in the face of rejection.


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