Escalating Technology to Compete in Professional Work and Manage Village SMEs

Luthfi Noor Syadzy Zamachsyari (22) came from a small village in Majalengka with a picturesque view. For him, getting an opportunity to study in a college bursts into gratitude. His parents genuinely appreciate the value of education so that they can relate to their child's desire.

The kind of education his parents are willing to give refers to a non-formal and formal style. As a result, after graduating from the Islamic Boarding School in Mojokerto, he continued his education at the university. Now that he can discover more things, he pointed out that he is interested in technology for some reason.

Let's dive into his whole story to discover his concern with escalating technology for daily life needs!

The Correlation of Electrical and Technology

Luthfi got his enthusiasm in numerical subjects since he couldn't remember. It then motivated him to major in Electrical Engineering at Telkom University. As the semesters passed by, he enjoyed his activity in accomplishing all the courses. No wonder he achieved a satisfactory GPA.

However, in the third semester, Luthfi decided to join a community at his university called Nanosatellite. He was responsible as a Research Assistant who did some research related to Electrical Power Systems (EPS). Unexpectedly, his seniors also introduced him to technology.

Technology provoked the curiosity of a boy who has the hobby of playing games. Without much consideration, he thought he ought to seek a related learning program to grow.

At that time, he discovered Bangkit as a reliable learning program. He was ecstatic about participating in the Mobile Development path but couldn't proceed with registering. A third-semester student should wait a year and a half to procure an eligible status.

While waiting for an eligible status, he spent time deepening technology through a coding challenge and the Nanosatellite event he was in. He also enjoyed the discussion with his college seniors regarding its career prospects.

"Electrical and technology define a great collaboration to execute. Electrical refers to device and sensor creation, while technology could further support algorithms. I should master them to realize the complete work cycle in the real world," Luthfi said.

Ready to Participate in Bangkit with Extended Motivation

In Nanosatellite, the eldest of three was familiar with Python and C programming languages. Just after he revealed that the Mobile Development path in Bangkit utilizes Kotlin, his keenness to take a learning program rose.

Moreover, his keenness came from the other considerations that drove him as a distinction graduate. For what the matter?

"Nowadays, technology is vastly needed in our daily lives, and I know that there are a ton of related job vacancies, especially for mobile developers." Luthfi started his story.

Besides programming language and available job vacancies, Luthfi had an impactful conversation with his family. He said his uncle is a traditional toy seller who entrusts his products in stalls and shares the profits with such partners. Although it seems like a simple business cycle, the problems usually come after.

"My uncle had a problem regarding the effective route of giving and taking his product in the stalls. In addition, financial records are considered a serious matter that needs development," Luthfi elaborated.

On the other hand, Luthfi's mother had a grocery shop in their home and faced the second problem, as he stated about his uncle's business. It then led him to generate an application for managing village SMEs.

According to Databooks (2022), SMEs or UMKM in West Java remain the highest number among other provinces in Indonesia. As a boy born and raised in Majalengka, Luthfi wants to contribute to the surroundings and broaden the scope later.

As a result, he accomplished all the sessions in Bangkit as best as possible with effort. How come? He said that a fixed timeline refers to a challenge he should tackle. Therefore, Google Calendar helped run his schedule, including the weekly discussion, which was his favorite part.

The weekly discussion has a more crucial impact on Luthfi. He had never learned about Android before, and the difficulty increased his ability to cope with the materials. This agenda was indeed helpful in boosting his understanding. Furthermore, having a collegemate who participated in Bangkit encouraged him to arrange a group discussion.

Enrolling in an Internship after Graduating from Bangkit

Bringing up his confidence after conquering the "Android Development Expert" class in Bangkit, Luthfi enrolled in an internship at Telkom Indonesia as an Android Developer. Nevertheless, soft skills are essential in his self-development as a digital talent.
“Time management and communication could be important additional skills in achieving the career goal. Thanks to Bangkit! Being responsible as an Android Developer in Telkom encourages me to step further to realize my application!”
Luthfi said that one of the recruitment processes he should pass in Telkom Indonesia is to create a video introduction about himself. At this time, he emphasized that communication skills in Bangkit genuinely matter.

On the contrary, Android Developers grappled with mastering Library and Clean Architecture, which included salient parts of his role. He wondered if he hadn't participated in Bangkit as a Cohort before. Would he be able to cope with it well? He is unsure.
“I could guarantee that Bangkit would be career-wise. The skills I gained took serious notice of my performance in real-work situations. Do your best in this opportunity!” Luthfi closed the interview.
More stories about Bangkit Alum and Cohort:
  1. Aqmal Idris Zarkasih - Starting from Cloud Computing for Enhancing Competence as a Back-End Engineer
  2. Hary Noval Ramadhan - Defined Failure as a Chance to Begin Again
  3. Yulius - Discovering Multi-Platform Application for Grasping Self-Improvement


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