Knowledge is the Greatest Investment for Your Future

Indonesia Emas 2045 refers to an attempt at infrastructure and human resources improvement as the initial step to realizing a developed country (Presidency Official Website, 2019). Each of us has a hand in making this happen. Nevertheless, the younger generation carries out the hope by developing skills in the fields they pursue.

Achmad Fandi Santoso (25), a boy from Magelang, was eager to participate in Indonesia Emas 2045. Through Bangkit, he strived for a better future for the country, his family, and himself, who had been through difficult times for four years. What's the whole story? Let's dive in!

Son of Laborer who Pursue Mathematics to Build a Career

The fourth of five children was raised by parents who loved him so much. They never demanded what he was to become. Deep down inside, Achmad cares for their pride by taking a job after graduating from vocational high school.

Achmad's father worked as a laborer selling bread from the factory with a daily wage of IDR 50,000 or USD 3.4. He hungered to help the family economy then. He sent many CVs to companies, but the competition was strict. Being a computer shopkeeper was his last choice, although he felt he couldn't explore more skills in this job.

To add revenue, Achmad also did freelance work on a platform as a graphic designer and English-to-Indonesian translator. He was still grateful for the uncertain income even though he yearned for a job that could significantly support his family's finances. Therefore, he kept sending CVs until it had been four years.

Seeing his potential, his relatives initiated to enroll him in college. Majoring in Mathematics at IAIN Kudus, he discovered a prospective starting point for the career ahead. No longer after he was accepted as a student there, he applied for a scholarship through Kartu Indonesia Pintar and continues to run freelance work to meet his daily needs.

"Thanks to my relatives. However, I couldn't depend on others until I finished my study," Achmad said.

The boy who liked to play futsal underwent his university life well. He fulfilled each course without repetition since he had enough grades. Nonetheless, he thought that his learning process wasn't comprehensive. In the fifth semester, he decided to boost his technology skills, considering his major in vocational high school, Computer Network Engineering.

Keep the Spirit High with Bangkit

With the financial limitations, Achmad's parents tried their best to meet their children's educational needs. They set the high school level as the standard. On the other hand, Achmad was the only person who could go to college among his siblings. How grateful he was to have been given the opportunity. "I wouldn't be half-hearted in living it!" he exclaimed.

Achmad's sincerity increased thanks to his desire to participate in Indonesia Emas 2045. Lucky for him, he discovered Bangkit's registration. However, he faced an early obstacle and thought, "How strong is my will?"

At that time, Achmad discovered the registration period in the last two days before closing. There was still hope. He tried to catch up by preparing all the files and consulting with lectures on a tiring day. Hence, his optimism was triumphant since Bangkit gave an extension to anybody who wanted to join. He then submitted the form while praying for the best results.

Among three learning paths in Bangkit, Achmad took Cloud Computing for a reason. He considered himself a technological novice, so he wanted to start with something he thought he could understand well.

A smile appeared on Achmad's face when he recognized that he was accepted in Bangkit. He imagined his learning process here would be insightful. Officially becoming a cohort and going through each session, what impression did he feel then?
“The time management and adaptability in soft skill sessions blew me away. I didn’t get those training in my formal education. I believe this is essential to shape one’s character in the professional world later.”
Achmad was enthusiastic about being a cohort in Bangkit. Even so, there were times when he wanted to give up on what he was living. Achmad felt tired of simultaneously studying, taking a learning program, and doing freelance work. Being in this phase wasn't easy for him. Nothing but his parents' support elevated his spirit again.

However, this situation helped Achmad unleash his skill in time management. It prompted him to arrange his schedule better. Achmad would do his freelance project first, then take Bangkit courses, and last but not least, attend lectures.

The provisions he had also came from majors he took at university. According to him, studying Mathematics could help him understand the logic in Cloud Computing courses. "I've heard a notable Indonesian businessman says that great investments come from the neck up. In a sense, I have to enhance my knowledge as much as possible. It motivated me during Bangkit."

Kickstart the Career with Bangkit

Led by reputable parties in Indonesia and beyond, Achmad believes that the skills he gained at Bangkit could support his career ahead as a Cloud Engineer. He even shared his spirit with his university mates by inviting them to register. "Not having a background in IT isn't a limitation to growth. Just try while you have the will!" he declared.

Global certifications from Google, curriculum, instructors from Industry, English materials, and financial aid of up to 140 million to build a start-up fostered his optimism. As a result, he has a few messages for 2023 cohort fellows to finish all the sessions until graduation.
“When you feel down on something you’re living with, ask yourself about your goals. Besides, focus on your strengths rather than weaknesses so that you can evaluate and improve. Are you thinking of your age for learning something? Get rid of that thought! My four-year gap year experience wasn’t enjoyable at all.”
To close the interview session, Achmad concluded that Bangkit was a prospective career milestone as he knew that a bunch of its graduates was getting jobs no longer after. He believes that he could follow the same path. He has grasped the determination for the country, family, and himself.

More stories about Bangkit Alum and Cohort:
  1. Roberto Hutapea - A Prospective Soldier Who Reconstructs Career Path in Technology
  2. Iqbal Shafiq Rozaan - Unexpected Career Path in Balancing Hustle and Bustle
  3. Muhammad Kharirrushofa - Massive Android User Led Me to a Promising Career Path


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